
  • Signing of the Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence was when America was separated from Great Britain.
  • the adoption of the articles of confederation

    COntinental congress agreed to adopt the Articles of Condeferation in York, PA.
  • Period: to

    constitutional convention

    Took place in Philadephia. Convention took place to address problems in governing America under the Articles of Confederation
  • Ratification of the US Constitution

    When the Declaration of Independence was accepted
  • the ratification of the bill of rights

  • Period: to

    liwes and clark expedition

    liwes and clark go and see what is in the louisiana teritory
  • Period: to

    trail of tears

    the trail of tears is when the cherokee indians where forced to laeve there homes to move west
  • gold descovered at sutter's mill

    gold was discovered in a river at sutter's mii
  • Period: to

    Battle of Fort Sumter

    Battle that started the Civil War
  • Period: to

    Battle of Gettysburg

    The Union and Confederates fought in Gettsyburg in the largest battle of the Civil War.
  • september eleventh atacks

    when terrorist flew planes into the World TradeCcenters and the Pentagon
  • my birthday