
The city of Chalkidas over the centuries

By pagona
  • Period: 10,000 BCE to 8000 BCE

    The first people come to the wider area of Chalkida

    The first people come to the wider area of Chalkida
    Various tools from the Paleolithic period were discovered after surface exploration in Artaki and Manika, north of Chalkida. Our information on the Paleolithic era remains scarce.
  • Period: 8000 BCE to 3000 BCE

    Small permanent settlements grow along the coast of Chalkis

    Small permanent settlements grow along the coast of Chalkis
    During the Neolithic period nomadic life was abandoned and agricultural was adopted. Thus, small permanent settlements develop along the coasts of the Chalkida peninsula. Surveys confirm the settlement during the Early Neolithic at the foot of Vatrovouni. in the area of ​​Tapsi Vrisi, and Agios Stefanos. Traces of the late Neolithic settlement were also found on the Bad Head Peninsula and on the Exterior Panagitsa.
  • 3000 BCE

    Prehistory and antiquity

    The first traces of occupation of the city are found already from the Paleolithic period, but its first important settlement that can be characterized as a civilization was around 3000 BC.
  • Period: 3000 BCE to 3000 BCE

    The stream of Euripos is created

    Around 3,000 BC. The northern and southern Euboean Bay is united and Euboea is finally transformed into an island.
  • Period: 3000 BCE to 2000 BCE

    Prehistoric Chalkida, Manika flourishes

    The Evias gulfs are now playing a leading role in the movement of products, as they offer seafarers sailing without the dangers of the Aegean Sea. Resident protagonist of the whole 3rd millennium BC. is the prehistoric Halkida, that is Manika (wider area of ​​today's outside Panagitsa), as it is the largest organized city not only of the region but of Europe as a whole.
  • Period: 2000 BCE to 1600 BCE

    Decline and decline of the population

    During the Middle Bronze Age, population declines, as in mainland Greece. In the Chalkida area, Manika is still inhabited, while smaller settlements are developed in Agia Eleousa, Pei Dokou, Afratis, Bad Head and Battery Hill.
  • 1600 BCE

    Mycenaean years

    The existence of Chalkis in the Mycenaean years is only indirectly proven by sporadic evidence, and mainly through the Homeric Epics, since the Chalkids are included in the so-called "Island Catalog", offering 40 ships.
  • Period: 1194 BCE to 1184 BCE

    Chalkida participates in the Trojan War

    In the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. strong cities are being developed in Evia. But no one for the time being can be identified as the seat of the most powerful king on the island. There is little information available on the housing situation in the Chalkida peninsula. Chalkida is mentioned in the "Island Catalog" of the Iliad, among the Euboean cities that send ships to Troy with their leader, King Elephinoras, son of Chalkodontas.
  • 1100 BCE

    geometric years

    The city is surrounded and experiencing renowned acne, and together with Eretria are the two most important cities of Evia. Its residents are involved in trade, ceramics and metalworking.
  • Period: 1100 BCE to 700 BCE

    The birth of the city - state of Chalkida

    The information we have about Chalkis at that time is scarce. In the 9th century, Chalkida flourished culturally. Homer refers to the Avantes and the Halkidiki royal tribes. After the death of King Amfidamantha, power passed into the hands of an aristocratic class of wealthy Chalcidians who raised horses on large estates. From the 8th c. B.C. The small settlements of the peninsula are united, making it the city of Chalkida.
  • 800 BCE

    Archaic Years

    The same development followed in the archaic years with the intense element of colonization. The most important event of these years, however, is not the colonization, but the Lillantian war between Chalkis and Eretria. It is generally believed that this war was not considered a battle, but many were followed and assisted by fighters and allies from other Greek cities. The final winners in this war appear to have been the Halkidians.
  • Period: 770 BCE to 770 BCE

    The first colony of Chalkis was founded in the West

    The first recorded settlement of Greeks in the West is Monkey Island in Ischia, in front of Naples. The city was founded by Halkidians and Eretrians around 770 BC [9]. Since then, Chalkida has founded a host of other colonies throughout the Mediterranean but mainly in lower Italy, Sicily and northern Greece.
  • Period: 710 BCE to 650 BCE

    The "Lalantian" wars

    The "Lillian wars" are the first historic clash between two Greek cities. They broke out in central Evia between the two powerful cities - the states, Chalkida and Eretria, at the height of their peak. It went through various phases. During the war, a peculiar historical agreement had been made between the fighting camps: not to use guns, such as bows and slings, and to fight body to body. The war caused huge disasters in both cities.
  • 600 BCE

    Halkida cuts its first coin, the Halkidiki knight

    In 530 - 520 BC. the first coins of the city are cut. On one side it looks like an eagle flying back and forth from the Halkidiki wheel. Occasionally, in some coins, next to the wheel, the letters PAL are engraved as a city abbreviation in Halkidiki alphabet. The presence of the symbol of Zeus on the coins, that is to say, the eagle, which will remain in the younger cuts holding a snake, proves the dominant worship of Zeus in the city.
  • 500 BCE

    Classical Years

    In classical times, Chalkida helped in the common struggle against the Persians. In the middle of the 4th century BC. and after the unification of all Greek cities under Macedonian power and until Roman conquest. In 323 BC Aristotle's philosopher comes to Chalkida to die next year at his mother's house.
  • 410 BCE

    Evripos bridges for the first time

    Our knowledge of the city of Chalkida at the end of the 6th and 5th centuries BC is limited. Euripos was first fortified in 410 BC. in a joint effort by Halkidians and Boeotians to ward off the impending Athenian attack
  • 1200

    Μεσαίωνας και νεότερα χρόνια

    The period of the Byzantine is characterized by the transfer of the city closer to the sea, to its present position. In 1204 with the Crusaders occupying Constantinople, Euboea was given as a feud with the Flemish knight Jacques d 'Avesnes. Gradually, the power of Euboea passed to Venice and in 1470, the city passed to the Turks. During the Venetian period there were not many times that he suffered from pirates.
  • Building of castle on Karababa hill

    Building of castle on Karababa hill
    In 1686 the Ottoman city administration decided to fortify the hill opposite the castle, entrusting the work to the Venetian extraterrestrial Jirolamos Gallopos, who had taken refuge with the Turks, thus turning the Erebiboz into an impregnable city.
  • The Halkidians are seeing cinema for the first time

    The newspaper hosts the newspaper "Evripos" [37]: "Our society has enjoyed the wonderful cinema of Psychouli, one of the wonders of our century. He went back to Athens and stayed in our city, giving some performances. The program is exquisite and rich. In the panoramic images, the wonderful invention gives life and movement.
  • The inauguration of the electric company

    On October 16, 1900, the inauguration of the electric company takes place. Subsequently, power lines and lamps were installed on posts along the beach, and on November 4, 1901, the city's lighting was in the presence of all authorities.
  • Opening of the Chalkida Railway Station

    On 8-3-1904 the inauguration of the train station was brilliant. The present was King George I and the royal family. Its operation has put Chalkida on a new development trajectory.
  • The new "high" bridge of George Papanikolaou is inaugurated

    The new "high" bridge of George Papanikolaou is inaugurated
    The new "high" bridge of George Papanikolaou is inaugurated