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History 2

  • World War I

    World War I
    World War I was started when a Serbian man assasinated the Archduke Franz Ferdniand. It lasted for 4 years and over 17 million people died.
  • The Russian Civil War

    The Russian Civil War
    As Lenin negotiated peace with germany, anti-Bolshevik forces in Russia launched efforts to overthrow the new government. From 1917-1921 the Bolsheviks, now known as communists after 1918. Their opponents were unable to unite under a single leader or accept a single set of goals. The 18 rival groups were eventually crushed for this reason.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The peace treaty at the end of World War I and Ultimate cause of WWII. It rewarded USA, England, France, and Soviet Union, but it left out countries that helped like Italy and Japan.
  • Mussolini and the Fascists

    Mussolini and the Fascists
    Mussolini was the 27th Prime Minister of Italy and was the leader of the Fascist party. The fascists' goal was to restore the honor of ancient Rome back to Italy. Mussolini sought to delay a major war with Europe until at least 1942. But he sided with Germany two years earlier, even though Italy didn't have the military capacity to carry out a long war. Although the National Facsist Party was outlawed by the postwar Constitution, a number of neo-fascist parties emerged to carry out his legacy.
  • The Holocaust

    The Holocaust
    In Germany, Jewish people were persecuted because Germany was going through a terrible depression after WWI. Between 5 and 6 million Jews were killed during this time.
  • Olympic Games Hosted by the Nazi Party

    Olympic Games Hosted by the Nazi Party
    Germany had their Olympic team of all Aryans, who they believed would win every event. At first it seemed this way winning the first few gold medals. But then Jesse Owens, an African American won 4 gold medals. This changed little in the course of German history, but it helped change USA into a more equal country.
  • WWII

    World War II staterted when Germany invaded Poland, which caused Britain and France to declare war on Germany. Over 60 million people were killed in this war.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    After the United Staes declared neutrality in the second world war, Japan bombed a harbor off the coast of Hawaii.This caused USA to immediately declare war on Japan and caused us to join the allies.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    This was the foreign policy of the United States for many years. It promised to provide milirary and finacial aid to any country that needed it.
  • Chinese communist Revolution

    Chinese communist Revolution
    Mao Zedong proclaimed the stablishment of the People's Republic of China. 600,000 Nationalist troops and 2 million Nationalist-sympathizer refugees retreated to the island of Taiwan.After they left, resistance was substantial, but scattered. This caused the two countries to fight until the United States stepped in.
  • Nelson Mandela is released from Jail

    Nelson Mandela is released from Jail
    After being released from prison after being in there for 27 years. He won the presidential election after black citizens were given the right to vote.
  • End of the Cold War

    End of the Cold War
    The bloodless war lasted from 1947-1991.
  • Syrian Civil War

    Syrian Civil War
    The unrest began within the context of Arab Spring protests, with nationwide protests againts the president's government, whose forces responded with violent crackdowns. This conflict evolved from protests to an armed rebellion after months of military sieges.
  • First Latin American Pope

    First Latin American Pope
    Pope Francis, born Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina, was the first latin American pope of the Roman Catholic Church. He worked briefly as a chemical technician and a nightclub bouncer before beginning seminary studies. He was the Archbishop of Buenos Aires before being made a cardinal in 2001. Having a Latin American pope gave many Catholics living in Latin America. Before this, Catholics weren't very well represented in this part of the world, all of the Popes coming from Europe.