
  • Period: 50,000 BCE to 3500 BCE


    Prehistory is, according to the traditional definition, the period of time that has elapsed since the appearance of the first hominids, ancestors of Homo sapiens, until we have evidence of the existence of written documents.
  • Period: 4000 BCE to 476


    Ancient history is the set of past events from the beginning of writing and recorded human history and extending into Late Antiquity. The span of recorded history is approximately 5,000 years, beginning with the Sumerian cuneiform script. Ancient history covers all continents inhabited by humans in the period 3000 BC. C. - 500 AD The three-age system periodizes ancient history into the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age
  • 3200 BCE


    It was one of the first metals used by man, initially using it in its natural state, native copper, since he was unaware of the mechanisms by which the mineral could be melted. In these early times he shaped it thanks to the techniques of hammering or cold beating, which is why this phase is not yet considered Chalcolithic but Neolithic.
  • 1700 BCE


    The Bronze Age is the period of history in which the metallurgy of this metal was developed, the result of the explosion of copper with tin. three ages, covers a period from approximately 3300 to 1200 B.C. C., but this chronology is only of value in the Near East and Europe, since metallurgy was arrived at through different processes in different regions of the world.
  • 675 BCE


    The Iron Age is the last of the three main periods in the system of the three ages, used to classify prehistoric societies, being preceded by the Bronze Age, also the date of its appearance, duration and context varies according to the region studied. . . . The first known appearance of societies with the cultural and technological level corresponding to the Iron Age occurs in the 12th century BC. C. in various places
  • Period: 476 to 1473


    The Middle Ages, Middle Ages or Middle Ages is the historical period of Western civilization between the fifth and fifteenth centuries. Conventionally, its beginning is in the year 476 with the fall of the Western Roman Empire and its end in 1492 with the discovery of America, or in 1453 with the fall of the Byzantine Empire.
  • Period: 1472 to


    The Modern Age is the historical stage that takes place between the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries. In contrast to the Middle Ages, the Modern Age is characterized by cultural progress, discoveries, the creation of States, the development of the world economy and a greater weight of reason against faith.
  • Period: to


    The Contemporary Age is the name by which the historical period between the Declaration of Independence of the United States, the French Revolution or Spanish-American wars of independence, and the present is designated. It comprises, if its beginning in the French Revolution is considered, a total of 233 years, between 1789 and the present.

    The French Revolution was a social and political conflict, with several periods of violence, that convulsed France and, by extension of their impressions, other European nations that faced reactivators and opponents of the system known as Old Regime. . It began with the self proclamation of the Third Estate as a National Assembly in 1789 and ended with Napoleon Bonaparte's coup in 1799.

    World War I, formerly called the Great War, was a war focused on Europe that began on July 28, 1914, and ended on November 11, 1918, when Germany agreed to the terms of the November 11, 1918 armistice. World War I, formerly called the Great War, was a war centered on Europe, when Germany accepted the terms of the armistice on November 11, 1918.World War I, formerly called the Great War, was a war centered on Europe, when Germany accepted the terms of the armistice on November 11 1918.