History 1

  • 1400


    Humanism began it's reign and lasted through 1400 to 1650s. Humanism was the study of past human live and many renaissance figures such as scholar Erasmus and Artist/inventor, Leonardo Da Vinci.
  • 1436

    Printing Revolution

    Printing Revolution
    It is said that Guttenberg's idea of the printing press started in 1436. In the years to follow the printing press gave people the opportunity to read and learn more then they could. In particular the printing press gave people the chance to read the bible for themselves. This was made possible by having books printed instead of hand written which made it a quick process to produce the books.
  • 1439

    Johann Glutenberg

    Johann Glutenberg
    Johan Gutenberg around the years of 1439-1440 invented the printing press which was a series of movable type. The printing press made it able to print books and writings quicker and gave people new opportunities.
  • 1469

    Lorenzo De' Medici

    Lorenzo De' Medici
    Lorenzo de 'Medici came to rule the Florence Province after his father's death in 1469. Medici was a Renaissance Patron and a big supporter of the Arts. Medici would pay for artists to come and create art. He would provide them with living accommodations, food, and the necessities needed to accomplish their tasks. This gave an opputunty to artist and their works to be recognized throughout other places.
  • 1495


    Perspective is the idea of a type of Art that gives depth and reality to a piece of Art. In the year of 1495 is when the idea of Linear Perspective began to be recognized. A famous artist who was known to use this was, Leonardo Da Vinci. Perspective gives a painting or drawing the image of more realistic. For example making the background more fuzzier and not exact to show a close up of the focal of the image. A piece of Art that helps this idea is the, Mona Lisa.
  • 1506


    Erasmus was a famous scholar in the North Renaissance. He also became a Humanist. By using methods from Italian Humanists he created an understanding of one's past
  • 1508


    Starting in 1508 and continueing over the course of the next four year, Michelangelo, painted one of the most well known pieces upon the ceiling of The Sistine Chapel. While Michelangelo was designing and painting the ceiling which depicted numerous images from the Bible, he also took part in a new Architecture event as well. In order to reach the ceiling it's self, Michelangelo designed for himself a device to help hoist and lift him higher in order to be within reach of the ceiling as well.
  • 1509


    Similar to Da Vinci, Raphael put the idea of perspective which is giving art a more realistic view. One of his popular works was the School of Athens. The School of Athens gave a realistic view of a church with historical figures.
  • 1509

    Henry VIII

    Henry VIII
    Henry VIII was the King of England 1509 until 1547. Henry VII was known for multiple things throughout his reign and life such as his healthy and his murderous ways. One of the things that he is most famous for is breaking away from the Catholic Church after his divorce was denied. This lead to the religion of the Protestants to appear.
  • 1517

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    Martin Luther was a Catholic Monk who devoted himself to the church. However after questioning the church's methods and after the selling of Self-Indulgences, he wrote down his opinions and complaints about the church. After his 99 thesis were released to public people began to follow him which resulted in the many religions we have today.
  • 1517

    Sale of Indulgences

    Sale of Indulgences
    The Catholic Church started the sale of indulgences. Indulgences were made to trick people in to thinking that is they were to buy them that their sins/bad motives were to be forgiven and they would gain access to heaven, lead by Pope Leo. This was a trick in getting the church to have more money which then lead to Martin Luther writing the 99 thesis's.
  • 1519


    The Prince was a guide book written by, Niccolo Machiavelli. The Prince was a book describing how a person would come to and hold on to power. This book was read and became probably years after it was written/published. In the book it told people that in certain situations a person must act in a way, selfish, in order to get what they want or to proceed successfully their time or life. Machiavelli gave people the idea of this method which is how most people today live by.
  • 1536

    John Calvin

    John Calvin
    John Calvin coming after Martin Luther started his own religious beliefs known as Calvinism. Calvinism is the belief of living a good life and being a good person.
  • 1542


    The Catholic Church wanting their way and to have people with them they started an inquisition where is a person were to be against them/church the person would be killed by the practice of inquistion
  • 1543


    In 1543, in a book written by Polish astronomer, Copernicus, he sated that he discovered that in the solar system, the sun was the center of the universe with planets circling it. This was opposite of how the people were led to believe that the earth was the center of the universe encouraged by the Catholic Church.
  • 1545

    Council of Trent

    Council of Trent
    Held from 1545 to 1563, the Council of Trent was a meeting held amongst the Catholic Churchs. In history this council was named the center of the counter reformation which decided on things such as the Roman Inquisition
  • 1558

    Elizatbeth 1

    Elizatbeth 1
    Elizabeth 1 was the daughter of Henry VII and reigned from 1558 until her death in 1603, thus ending the Tudor Monarch. Not believing in the war, Elizabeth 1 joined the protestants and catholic religions together trying to end the two religions wars with one another
  • William Shakespeare

    William Shakespeare
    William Shakespeare stated his writing career around 1592. Shakespeare was one of the most famous writers during the Renaissance time period. He wrote plays such as Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, and Hamlet. His plays gave people new understandings and gave the drama world a new view of how plays can be performed and written.
  • Galileo

    In the year 1609, astronomer, Galileo, discovered and invented new equipment for the telescope. He discovered the idea of new scopes and lenses. In particular he was said to be excited about his discovery of the spyglass.
  • Isacc Newton

    Isacc Newton
    Isaac Newton discovered the idea of the Laws of Motion which are said to form the principles of modern physics. He also lead the discovery of calculus which opened up new opportunities in mathematics.