
  • sinking of the lusitania

    sinking of the lusitania
    when the passenger ship the Lusitania was sunk under suspicion of carrying weapons, and thus further bringing america into ww 1.
  • interception of the zimmerman telegram

    interception of the zimmerman telegram
    this is when the us intercepted a message from Germany to mexico proposing an alliance between the two countries to better fight the us if it were to join the war.
  • woodrow wilson suffers a stroke that later kill him

    woodrow wilson suffers a stroke that later kill him
    after 8 years of being president woodrow Wilson health had cought up to him and he suffers a stoke that had him bedridden untill his death.
  • the leauge of nations is established

    the leauge of nations is established
    ww1 clearly demonstrated how war can get out of control and after the war was over the league of nations was established so that in theory countries could solve disputes without going to war.
  • women get the right to vote

    women get the right to vote
    after a lot of back and fourth with the government the women's right groups finally gets the 19th amendment passed giving all women the right to vote.
  • the stock market skyrockets

    the stock market skyrockets
    the stock market is looking good and the us is looking more financially sound than ever and more and more people are getting more and more money.
  • stock market crash

    stock market crash
    after the stock market was doing better than ever is crashes as an outcome of the great depression leaving thousands homeless or without a job.
  • bank panic

    bank panic
    due to people fearing that they were gonna lose their money swarms of people come out to banks trying to get their money out the bank so they dont lose it.
  • the Smoot-Hawley Tariff is established

    the  Smoot-Hawley Tariff is established
    as a plan the deal with the great depression president hoover increases the tax on imported goods thus worsening the problem.
  • world war II begins

    world war II begins
    the major event that actually helps america come out of the great depression since it gives tons of people jobs and boos employment.
  • pearl harbor

    pearl harbor
    the attack on the US harbor that ultimately leads the us to join the war on the allied side.
  • the start of the battle of widway

    the start of the battle of widway
    the battle that would take place after the us joins the war on the allied side between the us and japan and which would decide who would control the pacific theatre for the most part
  • battle of midway

    battle of midway
    one of the deciding battles between the US and japan and where control over pacific theater would be decided.
  • Invasion of Normandy

    Invasion of Normandy
    The allied attack on the coast of France to free them form German. The attack took place on the beach of Normandy and is considered one of the largest and most ambitious invasions in history.
  • battle of the bulge

    battle of the bulge
    as germany is getting more on the defensive they decided to launch a counter attack on the western from and they manage to push the enemy back but they never broke their front.
  • the bombing of hiroshima

    the bombing of hiroshima
    the attack in retaliation to the Japanese forces where the us dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima.
  • the bombing of nagasaki

    the bombing of nagasaki
    the second and last city to be targeted by the us and the one that finally leads to japan coming out of the war.
  • the north enders the south vietnam

    the north enders the south vietnam
    This essentially marks the beginning of the war as the northern part of Vietnam starts to engage with the lower half.
  • the start of the cuban missile crisis

    the start of the cuban missile crisis
    This marks the beginning of a thirteen-day event that was one of the closest the us has ever come to all-out nuclear war. And this all started with nukes being found in Cuba leading to tension between the us Cuba and ussr.
  • gulf of tonkin incident

    gulf of tonkin incident
    the incident that leads to America officially going to war with Vietnam after a intelligent gathering mission leads to a us ship getting attacked.
  • the My Lai Massacre

    the My Lai Massacre
    Marks one of the worst things done by the us during the Vietnam war by the us were they attacked the city of my lai and killed mem, women, children and the elderly.
  • apollo 11 lands on the moon

    apollo 11 lands on the moon
    this marks the first time in human history that we have put people on the moon and in the war non the less.
  • the end of the vietnam wat

    the end of the vietnam wat
    After 19 long years the war finally ends with neither side having a decisive victory but with Vietnam suffering way more deaths.
  • the berlin wall comes up

    the berlin wall comes up
    due to people wanting to flee wast Germany the government set up the berlin wall to keep to the "workers" in so that they had a population backing them in production.
  • germany reunites

    germany reunites
    due to the quick fall of the german democratic republic lead to the country coming back together after years of separation.
  • the berlin wall comes down

    the berlin wall comes down
    this marks the end if the division of the two Germanies and leading into the people not being locked behind the "iron curtain".