Britain's early modern period history

By a.c.d.k
  • Period: 1509 to 1547

    Henry VIII's reign

  • Oct 31, 1517

    The 95 theses

    The 95 theses
    Martin Luther, a german's monk, nail a text he wrote, the 95 theses on the door of the University of Wittemberg. In it he critiziced the indulgences.
  • 1526

    Translation of the Bible in english

    Translation of the Bible in english
    William Tyndal translate the Bible in english
  • 1534

    Act of supremacy

    Act of supremacy
    The king, Henry VIII became the supreme head of the church of England, so he can divorce his wife.
  • Period: 1536 to 1537

    Pilmigrage of Grace

    Rebellious movement in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, they were against the reformation and wanted the restoration of the Pope.
  • Period: 1547 to 1553

    Edward VI, the young king's reign

  • 1549

    Publication of the Book of common prayer

    Publication of the Book of common prayer
    Under the reign of king Edward VI, the mass book was revised and it led to the publication of the book of common prayer
  • Period: 1553 to 1558

    Mary I (bloody Mary)'s reign

  • Period: 1555 to 1558

    Protestant burned

    During this period over 200 protestants went to the stake
  • Period: 1558 to

    Elizabeth I's reign

  • 1559

    Act of Uniformity

    Act of Uniformity
    Taken by Elizabeth I, obliged all the parish to use the Book of Common Prayer and gave a fine to everyone who attend Catholic services. Was taken the same year as the Supremacy act that made the Queen the head of Church in England.
  • Period: 1559 to 1561

    Queen's love affair with Robert Dudley

    Robert was married at the time and so this love affair was disapprouved by William Cecil. He spread the rumor that Robert wanted to kill his wife, and so when she was find dead robert was suspected and it was a scandal. In consequence the love affair had to end.
  • 1570

    Excomunication of Elizabeth I

    Excomunication of Elizabeth I
    The Pope Pius V decided to excomunicat Elizabeth which led in part to the persucation of catholics.
  • 1581

    The 1581 act

    The 1581 act
    It provided the death penalty for anyone being Catholic.
  • Execution of Mary Queen of Scots

    Execution of Mary Queen of Scots
    The Babigton plot of 1586, was another catholic plot against the Queen but this time it was proven that Mary Stuart, the Queen's cousin supported by the catholics was involved. And so she was executed.
  • Defeat of the Spanish Armada

    Defeat of the Spanish Armada
    The catholic king of Spain, Philip II decided to make war to the england, but England had a better fleets and had more sailors.
  • Poor laws

    It was the last poor laws after the one of 1553 and 1597. Law put the responsability on the government to help the poors and made a distinction between "deserving" and 'undeserving" poor.
  • Period: to

    James I's reign

  • Gunpowder plot

    Gunpowder plot
    Conspiracy held by some Catholics to blew the parliament and in the mean time kill the King James I
  • Establishment of Jamestown in Virginia

    Establishment of Jamestown in Virginia
    One of the first English colonies in Nort America.
  • Great contract

    Great contract
    James I wanted to pass a financial reforms. With this reforms he would have receive a fixed sum of money. But the House of Commons refused to vote in favour of it.
  • Period: to

    Thirty Year's war

    Engilsh war against Spain and France
  • Period: to

    Charles I's reign

  • Petition of rights

    Petition of rights
    Made by the member of parliament. They wanted the King to recognize that his powers had limits. King signed it but was furious.
  • Period: to

    Personal rule

    Time when the King ruled alone, without pariliament. It started after the three resolution in 1629, in which the parliament critized the king.
  • Period: to

    The bishop's war

    Charles I imposed the anglican protestantism in Scotland. That created riot and tension because scotland was calvinist. And so it led to a war between Scotland and England, war won by the scottish.
  • The Grand Remontrance

    The Grand Remontrance
    The long parliament being called after 11 years without being, wanted it to be a long time thing. Consequently tension between the King ant the parliament. This document was made in the context of the Irish rebellion that occured the same year. In the text the parliament declared all the wrong doing of the king.
  • Period: to

    First civil war

    After Charles I tried to arrest five MPs, and marched into the House of Commons with his troops, he was in the obligation to declare the war to the parliament. The parliament was divided in two which led to a civil war. The parliamentareans had better finances, alliances and more importantly a better army with a new model. And so they won on 1646 when Charles surrended to the Scots.
  • Period: to

    The second Civil war

    The parliamentarians didn't paid their army which led to a mutiny and the army kidnapping the king. Consequently the king managed to escape. But this second war was very short and end with the execution of the King.
  • Period: to

    The interregnum

  • Period: to

    The Commonwealth

    Period after the execution of Charles I during which the England was ruled as a republic by the House of Commons that had the supreme authority.
  • The Instrument of Government

    The Instrument of Government
    It was a constitution written by Cromwell. In it he descibed his vision of England and the way his government is working.
  • Dissolution of the Rump Parliament

    Dissolution of the Rump Parliament
    Cromwell, a chief of the army dissolves the Parliament because of the slowness of the Parliament and the increasing tension between the parliament and the army.
  • Period: to

    The Cromwellian Protectorate

    Cromwell ruled England alone, it was a military dictatorship
  • The Declaration of Breda

    The Declaration of Breda
    After the death of Cromwell in 1658, a new way to rule the country was search. And so Charles II made the declaration of Breda. In this document the King of Scotland promised total pardon, to keep working with the parliament.
  • Period: to

    Charles II's reing

    After the interregnum, monarchy was restored with at its head Charles I's son, Charles II. During his reign he had to manage the Plague and the great fire of London in 1666.
  • Period: to

    The Exclusion crisis

    Period following the Popish Plot of 1678 during which French tried to murder the King to put James II, a catholic at the power. During this period the parliament tried to modify the law of succesion to keep James II from the throne. But the parliament was dissolved by Charles.
  • Period: to

    James II's reign

    At the death of his protestant brother, James II take the head of England. He was catholic.
  • Period: to

    William III's reign

  • The Glorious Revolution

    The Glorious Revolution
    When James cames to the throne it wasn't a big problem because he had only one daughter, and she was protestant. But in 1688 his secound wife gave birth to a protestant son. And so the parliament invited William of Orange the King's son in law to invade England and he did so. Consequently he became King William III of England
  • The Bill of Rights

    The Bill of Rights
    This text set the role and the limits to the Parliaments and the king, it was a key politival text. It also set some civil rights.
  • The Act of settlement

    The Act of settlement
    As the King and Mary II had no child, this text set the order of succession to ensure that no catholic will have the throne.
  • Period: to

    Anne's reign

  • Period: to

    War of Spanish Succesion

    Anne's war, it made Britain gain Acadia over the French
  • Period: to

    George I's reign

  • Period: to

    George II's reign

  • Final defeats of the Jacobites

    Final defeats of the Jacobites
    The Jacobites were in favor of the King and so they fight in 1715, 1745 and 1746 against William of Orange. They were defeated each time.
  • Period: to

    Seven's year war

    Britain gained Florida over Spanish and Canada over the French
  • Period: to

    Georges III's reign

  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    Britain finally recognized the independance of the USA after they proclamed their independance in 1776 and a war between 1775 and 1783. During the war Britain lost most of its empire.
  • Period: to

    French revolutionary War

    Britain was at war with France, combating revolutionary idea and having economic, colonial and maritime motives.
  • Acts of Union

    Acts of Union
    This Act created the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland after the Irish rebellions of 1798. The two parliamnets were merged.
  • Period: to

    Georges IV's reign