The Committee of Ten
The committee of ten put into place the standard high school curriculum for kids that planned on attending college. This affected the way high schoolers were taught for decades, and still affects today's curriculum (Textbook p. 142) -
Plessy vs. Ferguson
The case that made the law "separate but equal" this affected how schools were ran for many years. Although it continued on with segregation, it made it so that everything the white schools had, the minority schools must have it as well. (Textbook p. 150) -
The Cardinal Principles Report of 1918
This principle advocated a common core knowledge for all students. This came at a time when school populations were doubling every decade, but many students were not prepared for college. This helped get more students ready for post-secondary eduction. (Textbook p.142) -
Brown vs. The Board of Education
This case changed many things about every classroom. It increased class sizes, and added diversity in schools. This ruling ended segregation for all, and made school a much more accepting place. (Textbook p. 151) -
No Child Left Behind Act
This act was an attempt to equalize the achievement between students. The act in particular was targeting the equity of low-income students and disabled students. Affecting many things inside the classroom. (Textbook p. 164)