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Historical Timeline for Students with Exceptionalities by Krystal Milton

  • Civil RIghts Act of 1964

    Public Law 88-352 passed in 1964. It Prohibits any discrimination based on the Race, Color, Sex, or Religion, etc. It helped to increase protection of voters rights and desegregated schools.
    This was the first step in many future laws that helped show that there should be no separation of people based on their differences. It began to pave the way for disabled rights in regards to separation in schools.
    Legal Highlight: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 | U.S. Department
  • Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children (PARC) vs Pennsylvania

    The PARC or Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children and parents sued the state of Pennsylvania to establish Free and Appropriate Education for all children with disabilities. The PARC and parents wanted the right for their disabled children to get the same education as non-disabled children. They won the case because the court had deemed it illegal to separate disabled children or charge parents for their education
    -PARC) v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
  • Rehabilitation Act- Section 504

    This Act Prohibited the discrimination on the basis of disability in programs, contractors and employment agencies that were federally funded. Specifically the section 504 detailed the rights as far as education and employment. This legislation helped the advancement of disabled persons in school and made sure to detail the rights of disabled employees in the work place.
    Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    This Act guarantees equal opportunities to individuals or persons with disabilities in the community, work places, transportation as well as state, federal and local government. It procured more stricter and well defined regulations than that of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. While past legislation made this Act possible, it had stricter and more definitive guidelines.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act or IDEA laws were regarded as the most significant legislation for persons with disabilities to receive their education in their neighborhoods without being segregated from their non-disabled peers. Also established more regulations for accommodations in employment after school. This law has been revised from the ADA and Rehabilitation act.
    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)