Special needs kids

Historical Timeline for Students with Exceptionalities

  • Brown Vs Board of Education

    Brown Vs Board of Education
    In 1954 case Brown Vs. Board of Education the supreme court ruled in favor of the plaintiff, Brown, while BOA deemed that the 'separate but equal was good enough, Brown asserted that his daughter was getting an inferior education. This case set the precedent in the fight for equal educational rights for disabled children.
  • Mills Vs Board of Education

    Mills Vs Board of Education
    The Mills et al. case was important because it was one of the first cases to challenge the state, in this case, the District of Columbia, for not providing FAPE to disabled students who were deemed not able to benefit from education. The ruling was for the Plaintiffs, Mills et al., that lack of money was no excuse, the District had to find a way to make enough, and the Brown Vs. BOA outlawed segregation due, and it included disabilitys.
  • Rebilitation Act of 1973, Section 504

    Rebilitation Act of 1973, Section 504
    The introduction of the504 Plan in the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 provides accommodations for disabilities that are either temporary or are not provided for under the IEP's that IDEA provides for, things like a daily medication, use of the elevator, or extended test times.

    The Free and Appropriate Public Education Act, or FAPE, was insured by the landmark act in 1975, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, giving all children a FAPE to all children no matter what, or how severe their disability is. This can be as simple as a ball to sit on for ADHD, or a sensory area for a child with Autism or Emotional Disorder.
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    Education for All Handicaped Children Act

    Segregation was still a problem for students in 1975. EAHCA was paramount in Tearing Down Wall of Exclusion for the students that were discriminated against due to their disabilities. This act was the start of ensuring that all children had an education that was appropriate for their mental and physical abilities. Special teachers and supplies, even departments were supplied due to this act for the children.
  • Americans With Disabilities Act

    Americans With Disabilities Act
    The ADA was put in place to stop discrimination against the disabled. They define what disabilities are as well as what rights the disabled have in the workplace, in public accessibility, ect., but educationally as well. The IDEA ensures that all students get a FAPE that prepares them for their future education, employment, and independent living with any accommodations that are needed for their success.
  • Endrew F. Vs Douglas County School District

    Endrew F. Vs Douglas County School District
    Endrew F. was a student in Douglas County schools in 2017 whose court case went up to the Supreme Court because his parents felt he wasn't getting the FAPE the school said he was. This was the first case that centered around emotional and behavioral issues affecting the quality of education and how IEP's need to address appropriate plans of handling the behavior that impedes learning for all in the class, not just the affected student.