Historical Timeline for Students with Exceptionalities

  • Mills v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia

    This historic landmark case was a class action suit of seven students denied public education because of their disabilities and cost of accommodations the school would have to provide. The ruling was made in response to no child cannot be denied a public education regardless of the accommodations costs. This ruling will support the needs and wellbeing of students with disabilities. Youtube
  • Individuals With Disabilities Education Act

    This was established for free public schooling for children with disabilities. The public schools have to ensure proper special needs related services. It has six principles Free Appropriate Public Education, Appropriate Evaluation, Individualized Education Plan,Least Restrictive, Environment, etc. This acts benefits special needs students because it gives an overall perspective of what is required for all schools. Youtube
  • Honig v. Doe

    “ In that case, the courts ruled that schools may use normal disciplinary procedures and temporarily suspend special education students for up to 10 days” (Bock, Tapscott & Savner, 1998). The ruling was a disabled student cannot be suspended for more than 10 days during a school year for misconduct. This ruling benefits students who are disabled by giving them leniency because they are unable to control themselves. {YouTube} (https://youtu.be/UIqIRjavI6M)
  • Timothy W. v. Rochester, New Hampshire, School District

    Timothy W. was severely handicapped with complex developmental disabilities. New Hampshire school didn’t see the need for him to attend public schools. “ In some states, schools continued to provide funds for the education of certain groups of children with disabilities but not for others” (Huefner, 1991 para. 2). This landmark case ruled that school boards are required to provide special education services despite the severity of a child’s disability. Youtube
  • Americans With Disabilities Act

    This law prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities. It was intended for schools, workplace’s etc to provide opportunities for anyone who is disabled. This law benefits disabled persons to get jobs, go to school without judgment. Youtube