Historical Timeline

  • Brown Vs. Board

    influence special education however it actually addressed racial segregation. I was determined that race violated equal education opportunity.
  • OSEP is formed

    Congress created a Bureau of Education for the Handicapped which is later renamed the Office of Special Education Programs.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    schools had the right to choose whether or not to participate in special education programs.
  • Elementary & Secondary Education Act Signed

    Lyndon B. Johnson signed this act which provided federal funding for primary and secondary education and was seen to help expand access to public education for students with disabilities.
  • Mills vs. D.C. Board of Education

    This case decided that children with special needs should have an equal right to Special Education.
  • Section 504

    A person with dissability cannot be exclued or denied benefit from any program or activity recieving federal financial assisstance, either public or private.

    This law was passed which allowed parents access to the students information used by the school.
  • IDEA

    Education for all Handicapped Children Act. Established the 6 principles: zer reject, non-discriminatory evaluation, appropriate education, least retrictice environment, procedural due process, parent and student participation.
  • Rowley Court Case

    students who qualify for special education services must have access to public school programs.
  • Tatro Court Case

    Administrating medication in school.
  • Honig court case

    Schools local and state officials do not have the authority to exclude students with dissabilities.
  • ADA

    Civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against students with dissability.
  • Oberti court case

    Ensures that children with dissabilities are educated in regular classrooms with non dissabled kids.
  • Education for all handicapped children act

    access to educational programs for students with dissabilities.
  • No Child Left Behind

    Requires schools to test children including students with learning disabilities with IEPs or 504 plans to make sure that students are getting the best possible education.