Historical Timeline

  • Brown V. Board of Education - 1954

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    Brown V. Board of Education - 1954

    Segregation Within public schools was illegal, which was ruled out by Brown decision. This was a matter of Law segregation based on race.
    “Separate but equal” this term was determined in court by Plessy V. Ferguson providing “separate education facilities''.
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    Brown V. Board of Education - 1954

    Brown V. Board Education couldn't have happened at a better time or even on time. Although back then segregation was considered normal, it still wasn't considered right to many. In 1954 a law was passed to stop segregation and make it equal.
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    Brown V. Board of Education - 1954

    This historical legal ruling has supported the need with students who have disabilities because Brown V. Board of Education was the reason we get to openly educate our students who have disabilities without it being about race or anything that can cause separation between students.
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    Brown V. Board of Education - 1954

  • P.A.R.C v. Pennsylvania - 1972

  • Mills v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia- 1972

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    P.A.R.C v. Pennsylvania - 1972

    In 1972 Pennsylvania Association for Retarted Citizens known as PARC, but now known as The Arc of Pennsylvania, sued the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This occurred because of a law that was passed which gave public schools authority to deny free education to children.
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    P.A.R.C v. Pennsylvania - 1972

    During that time Pennsylvania made a big choice that strictly was for students with disabilities, it was the first significant challenge to the laws of education in the United states. Along with what was going on in Pennsylvania, other states had very similar laws which excluded students with disabilities.
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    P.A.R.C v. Pennsylvania - 1972

    The historical legal ruling has denied ways for students with disabilities to be able to get free education.
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    Mills v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia- 1972

    During this time of Mills v. Board of Education there were two cases being discussed, P.A.R.C case was being decided in Pennsylvania and Mills case was being discussed and decided in Columbia.
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    Mills v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia- 1972

    These cases and decisions allowed the school systems in Mills to provide a publically education but only to the residents of Columbia. Due to a lack of financial issues and resources things didn't go as planned.
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    Mills v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia- 1972

    The historical legal ruling that although there were hold ups because of different reasons such as financial situation or unfinish cases. The court made it clear that no child can be denied public education because of Mental, Behavioral, physical or emotional handicaps or deficiencies.
  • The Americans with disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)

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    The Americans with disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)

    This act prohibit discrimination against those who have disabilities in all areas of pubic life. If you have a physical or mental impairment that causes limits to your everyday life activities.
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    he Americans with disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)

    I believe this act is important because it allows those with disabilities the same opportunity as those who may not have a disability. These opportunities allow them to enjoy employment of their choice and other services.
  • Individuals with Disability Education Improvement Act of - 2004

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    Individuals with Disability Education Improvement Act of - 2004

    This is a law that makes public education free to those children with disabilities and give services to those children. All students with disabilities, infants , toddlers, children and youth are eligible for early intervention and services.
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    Individuals with Disability Education Improvement Act of - 2004

    There are alphabetical letters for IDEA that are broken up into parts such as Part B and Part C, and they are also categorized by age. This IDEA act explains how the children will receive their services. What I like about the IDEA act, it doesn't discriminate against any children who may have a disability.