
Historical Timeline

  • Brown VS Topeka Board of Education

    Brown VS Topeka Board of Education
    The U.S. Supreme Court, decreed that "segregated by equal" school facilities for black and while schoolchildren were discriminatory and unconstitutional.
    This case set the stage for a better education setting for all children. Including those in special education. This makes it so children with special needs have an equal opportunity at the best education possible.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    This act was signed into law by former president Lydon B. Johnson on April 11,1965. This law provided special education students the proper quality of education they deserve. This law made it possible for all students no matter what there disabilities are had equal access to all schools. It provided grants to state school to help with the extra cost. This law will soon become the No Child Left Behind Act.

  • Mills V. Board of Education of District of Columbia

    Mills V. Board of Education of District of Columbia
    This is one of the most controversial cases known today. The case in general was about children with special needs not being able to attend school. This case in general put the needs of the child first. This case but together what is known as due process which made is so all children were treated equal regardless if they were disabled or not.
  • Rehabilitation Act Amendments Section 504

    Rehabilitation Act Amendments Section 504
    This law is known as one of the most important acts for those with special needs. The purpose of these amendments were to provide equal right to all people including those with disabilities. This law provide those with disabilities with free public education. Many that worked in the school systems didn't know that this included public schools. This is what a child's IEP reflects.
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    Education for All Handicapped Children Act
    The purpose of this act is to ensure that students with disabilities are educated in all public schools (Peterson,2007). This act was signed by Gerald Ford. This act provide many different things. It provided supplemental services, due process, zero reject and the least restrictive environment. Later this act would be renamed to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    The ADA is a law that was signed on July 26, 1990 by George H.W. Bush. This law made it so individuals with disabilities were not discriminated upon. This included all areas known to life. This includes school, transportation, and even jobs.
  • Zobrest V. Catalina Foothills School District

    Zobrest V. Catalina Foothills School District
    The parents of a deaf child sued the school district because they refused to help provide a sign language interpreter. The school won in this case. There was a lot of controversy in the ruling. Many felt that the individuals with disability act (IDEA) was not followed. The court ruled that IDEA doesn't say that the school is not responsible for providing an interpreter.
  • Cedar Rapid Community School District VS Garret and Charlene F.

    Cedar Rapid Community School District VS Garret and Charlene F.
    This court case was very heartbreaking to many people. The student in this case required special care while in school. The student needed a ventilator in to breathe. The child's school refused to provide the care for this child. The parents in this case wanted the school district to pay for the services and yet the school thought that parents should pay for the cost.