
Historical Timeline: 35 Years of IDEA

  • Larry P. v. Riles

    Larry P. v. Riles
    Banning of intelligence tests for African Americans when assessing for mild retardation.
    Larry P. took the stand on the side that African American students were being improperly assessed for mild mental retardation and being inaccurately placed in special education classes.
    Wilson Riles was the Superintendent of Public Instruction for the state of California carried out and excuited the orders for IQ testing to take place.
  • Honig v. Doe

    Decided Schools cannot exclude students with disabilities for dangerous or disruptive behavior. Known as the "Stay-put" provision.
    "John Doe" is the student who had an outburst in class due to their documented disability and caused physical hard to another student in the class.
    Honig was the school board superintendent and represented the school that suspended the child for their violent actions.
  • Cedar Rapids Community School District v. Garret F.

    The school believed that a student that required full-time care from a nurse was not an obligation of the educational institution.
    Garret F. was the student that was refused care while at school even though he had a documented disability that required constant care.
    Cedar Rapids did not believe they were obligated to provide the care under IDEA. The Supreme Court ruled that the school must provide and pay for the nursing services for the student.