Historical Perspectives in Psychology Project

  • 5000 BCE

    The Greeks

    The Greeks
    They created the first frame of psychology by analyzing human behavior. Founded by the Greek
  • 1300

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    Founded by Galileo this era shifted the way we saw psychology from experimentation to observation
  • Attacking Dualism

    Attacking Dualism
    Created by Rene Descartes who argued against dualism by saying that the mind controls the body.
  • Psychoanalytical

    This approach founded by Sigmund Freud says that we are products of our unconscious desires.
  • Evolutionary

    This theory was founded by Charles Darwin and William James and speaks about how human life should be based off of survival of the fittest and our only means for survival is to reproduce
  • Structuralism

    Founded by Wilhelm Wundt, also known as the father of modern psychology. He founded the style of observation in order to gather information about the mind.
  • Biological

    Founded by Michael Gazzagnic and Roger Sperry, this theory says that our psychological processes are a result of our brains.
  • Functionalism

    Founded by William James who focused on the mind and functions of behavior.
  • Behavioral

    Founded by B.F. Skinner and Ivan Pavlov this approach pushes that we are just products of our everyday experiences.
  • Social-Culture

    Founded by Albert Bandura this psychological approach talks about how peer pressure and social situations affect our psychology.
  • Inheritable Traits

    Inheritable Traits
    Founded by Sir Francis Galton he said that heredity is more important than environment
  • Humanistic

    Founded by Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers this form of psychology focused on being positive, having self love, and needing love.
  • Cognitive

    This theory states that our behavior is affected by how we think and it was founded by Gustav Fetcher and Herman Ebbinghuas.