Period: 1343 to 1383
Reign of amadeus of savoy
Period: to
Reign of Joseph I
Steam Engine
It is an external combustion engine that transforms the thermal energy of a quantity of water into mechanical energy -
Pragmatic Sanction
Edict issued by Charles VI to ensure that the Habsburg hereditary possessions could be inherited by a daughter -
Flying shuttle
Flying shuttle created by John Kay. It was the first step in the mechanization of the loom -
Period: to
First Industral Revultion
Spinning Jenny
I was a spinning machine -
Water Frame
Spinning machine driven by a water wheel -
Period: to
American Revolution War
Period: to
War of Idependece
U.S Declaration of Independence
Document drafted by the second Continental Congress -
Power Weaving Loom
Mechanized loom system driven by a transmission shaft -
Adoption of the U.S Constitution
The Constitution created an executive branch and a judicial branch, which set up a system of checks and balances -
Period: to
Reign of Carlos IV
Convocation of the General States
It was the last grand ceremony of the Ancien Régime was held in Versailles -
Period: to
National and Constituent Assembly
Storming of the Bastille
King Louis XVI was about to arrest France's newly constituted National Assembly -
The Declaration of Rights
It marked the beginning of a new political era -
Adoptation of the first French Constitution
The monarchy had been overthrown -
Period: to
Leggislative Assembly
Period: to
The Convention
Execution of Louis XVI
The King Louis XVI was executed -
Treaty of Basel
Restored to Spain peninsular territory lost during the Franco-Spanish War -
Period: to
Period: to
The Consulate
Napoleon,s Coup D´tate
Napoleon threatened by possible internal revolts in favor of the monarchy -
Period: to
Napoleonic Empire
Treaty of San Ildefonso
Spain agreed in principle to exchange its North American territory of Louisiana for territories in Tuscany -
Adoptation of the Napoleon,s Civil Code
Napoleon established equality before law -
The Locomotive
Steam locomotives were first developed in the United Kingdom during the early 19th century and used for railway transport until the middle of the 20th century -
Battle of Trafalgar
Naval battle won by the United Kingdom -
Battle of Auseriltz
Austria made the peaces with France and keeping Prussia temporarily out of the anti-French alliance -
The Continental System was a major blockade of British trade imposed by Napoleon -
Revolt of Aranjuez
The riot was triggered in protest against the policies of Manuel Godoy -
Uprisingo of the People of Madrid
The rebellion, mainly by civilians, with some isolated military action was against the occupation of the city by French troops -
Adication of Bayonne
It was in Batona, the french city -
Battle of Bailen
This war was the first defeat in the open field in the history of the Napoleonic army -
Independence of Argentina
It was a series of wars to achieve the independence of Argentina -
Independence of Chile
It was a series of wars to achieve the independence of Chile -
Independence of Colombia
It was a series of wars to achieve the independence of Colombia -
Independence of Mexico
Fue una serie de guerras para conseguir la independencia de Mexico -
Independence of Peru
It was a series of wars to achieve the independence of Peru -
Approval of "LA PEPA"
Convocation of the Courts of Cadiz
The Cortes of Cádiz promulgated the Constitution of the Spanish Monarchy, affectionately known as "La Pepa" -
Treaty of Valencay
The Treaty of Valençay was a Treaty of peace and friendship between King Ferdinand VII and Bonaparte -
Period: to
Vienna Congress
Treaty of Fontainebleau
An agreement reached between Napoleon Bonaparte and the representatives of Austria, Russia and Prussia in the context of the Napoleonic Wars -
Period: to
Absolutist Sexenio
Creation of the Holy Alliance
The Holy Alliance was a coalition created by the of Russia, Austria, and Prussia -
Battle of Waterfloo
The French army was defeated by the British and Prussian armies. -
i was created the first labour organizations to bring together workers of divergent occupations were formed -
Period: to
Trienio Liberal
Period: to
Ominous Decade
First Comercial Train
Locomotion No. 1 became the world's first steam locomotive to carry passengers on a public line -
Period: to
First Carlist War
The First Steamship
It was the first steamship to operate in the Pacific Ocean was the steamship Beaver, launched in 1836. -
Period: to
Chartist Movement
The aim of the Chartists was to gain political rights and influence for the working classes -
Exploration of Mndizabal
Period: to
Regency of Espartero
Amount of various national movements pioneered by educated middle classes alongside the revolts of the poor and unemployed -
Period: to
Italian Unication
It was divided into a preamble and four sections -
Spinning Mule
Machine used to spin cotton and other fibers -
The Luddites were members of a 19th-century movement of English textile workers which opposed the use of certain types of cost-saving machinery -
Exploration of Madoz
It were a set of decrees that resulted in the expropriation and privatisation of monastic properties in Spain -
Period: to
First International
Period: to
German Unification
The constitution of 1869
This ended the reign of Elizabeth II -
Period: to
Provisional Goberment of Serrano
Period: to
First Republic
Period: to
Second Industrial Revolution
Fundation of PSOE
Politic mach that were socialist -
Period: to
Regenvy of Maria Christina
Period: to
Second International
Fundation of the CNT
It is a confederation of unions of anarchist ideology -
Treaty of Versailles
It was a treat of peace that subjected Germany to strict punitive measures -
Period: to
Effective Reign of Elixabeth II