Historical Influences on the environment timeline - Elizabeth Quigley

  • Minimata Disease

    Severe disease discovered in Minimata city, Japan, following the release of methylmercury in the wastewater that came from a chemical factory, affecting sea life and seafood ingested in the area.
  • Silent Spring

    Book written by Rachel Carson addressing the negative consequences on the environment caused by the unregulated use of pesticides, bringing strong attention from the American public.
  • Earth Day

    Celebrated on the 22nd of April every year, this day is dedicated to show support for environmental protection in many ways.
  • Bhopal pesticide plant disaster

    An overheated tank containing pesticide exploded and exposed 500,000 people in Bhopal, India to toxic gas.
  • Brundtland Report

    A report nicknamed "Our common future" published to show the principles of sustainable development and the importance of having a sustainable environment to succeed in this.
  • UN Earth Summit Rio

    First large scale international conference focused on solving global environmental problems and on promoting sustainable development.
  • The Kyoto Protocol

    Protocol signed in Japan by most nations in the world aimed to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions.
  • An Inconvenient Truth

    Documentary lead by Al Gore released to address climate change and its importance, which successfully reached a large audience.
  • Electric cars

    Invented for the first time around 1884 but publicised by Tesla motors much later, a car featuring battery technology and based on renewable energy is one of the solutions to a growing release of greenhouse gasses.
  • Carbon Dioxide Removal

    This was actually invented in 1998 but was developed and put into practice 20 years later. It is a method that responds to the large increase of CO2 in the atmosphere.
  • Paris Climate Agreement

    An agreement signed by 195 members that brought all nations together to commit and make efforts to combat climate change and to adapt to its effects.
  • The Seabin

    A floating rubbish bin that can collect plastic bottles, paper, oil, fuel, and detergent floating in the ocean, without harming sea life, is a prototype to be produced largely in the future
  • The Sixth Mass Extinction

    Up till date, the planet is suffering from the worst ever extinction of plants and animals, which in theory encourages people to find ways to slow down this process.