Period: to
Transition to Industrial Jobs in U.S.
Transition from agriculture to industry creates need for the spread of vocational information. -
Jesse B. Davis designates 117 vocational counselors
Counselors to teach life skills and morality -
Clifford Whittingham Beers publishes "A Mind that Found Itself"
Recounts horrors of mental institutions and impacts the way people in U.S. think about mental illness and how we treat those with it. -
Frank Parsons, father of American guidance movement
Founds Vocational Bureau of Boston -
National Mental Health Association founded
Freud Invited to U.S.
National Vocational Guidance Association founded
Start of World War I leads to psychometrics
Brings about need for psychological classification for enlisting soldiers. -
Period: to
Great Depression
Highlights importance of career satisfaction in the U.S., emphasizing need to get unemployed back to work and happy with their work. Mental illness also brought to forefront. -
Dictionary of Occupational Titles published
World War II brings attention to mental health
Period: to
1940s Influx of European Existentialists
U.S. counseling profession influenced by European existentialists who arrive after fleeing Nazi persecution -
Period: to
Increased federal funding
Federal funds for mental health counseling increased after World War II -
Russia's launch of Sputnik spur U.S. to increase numbers of school counselors in order to direct students into math and science fields, so as to catch up with the technological advancement of Russia -
Period: to
Civil Rights movements & Fast Societal Change make counselors in high demand
Focus on addressing social injustice happens concurrently with increase in school counselors, so much so that Universities could not train counselors fast enough. This bring about the need for accreditation. -
Community Mental Health Centers Act
Provides funds for community-based mental health programs, making schools no longer the primary place where counselors work. -
APGA changes name to American Association for Counseling and Development (AACD)
20/20: A Vision for the Future of Counseling committee conceived
ACA and AASCB create committee, composed of 31 counseling organizations -
Licensure attained for professional counselors in all 50 states