Historical Evolution of the Field of IDT

  • School museums

    1st museums in St. Louis- Visual Instruction
  • Instructional Films

    First catalog of films
  • Audiovisual Instruction

    Radio, Broadcasting, sound recordings, sound motion pictures
  • Department of Visual Instruction (DVI)

    Merging of 3 professional organizations for visual instruction
  • Audio Visual Instruction Movement

    During WWII training films were produced and projectors
  • Instructional Television

    Television was used to deliver instruction
  • "Taxonomy of Educative Objectives"

    Written by Benjamin Bloom- classified objectives according to learning behavior
  • "The Science of learning and the art of Teaching"

    Article was written by B.F. Skinner describing how to increase learning by effective instructional materials
  • Criterion Test

    Robert Glass created test based on individual performance not a group performance
  • Behavorial Objectives

    Robert Mager identified that objectives should be written citing a behavior, condition, criteria
  • Instructional Design Model

    A systematical design which includes the task, objectives and testing
  • Behavioral Learning Theory

    Learning is based on observation, stimulus and response and driven by the environment
  • "The Condition of Learning"

    Robert Gagne wrote a book that descibed the five Domains of Learning
  • Gagne's Theory of Instruction

    Theory based on cognitive information and effective teachers in the classroom
  • Evaluation

    Michael Scriven coined the formative and summative assessment
  • Cognitive Information Processing Theory

    Internal processes and the environment shape learning
  • Traditional Instructional Design Models

    ADDIE- analyze, design, develop,implement and evaluate
  • Growth and Redirection

    Time period in which Instructional Design was more a concern for business than public school.
  • Computers for Instruction

    Computer are incorporated in the classroom
  • Performance based Testing

    On the job training, non instructional solution to performance
  • Constructivism

    The gains information from the environment and relies on stored memory in the learning process.
  • Shift toward positivist

    shift toward positivist or objective psychology
  • "Educatonal Technology" devoted toward constructivism

    Special issue of Educational Technology devoted toward Constructivism
  • More attention to learners, instructors and designers

    Growth in educational games, media and the web to influence engagement, participation and the learning process
  • Technology Today

    Internet, Face book, Twitter, You tube, Mobile devices, PC