Historical Evolution of the Field

  • Birth of School Museums

  • Public School System of Rochester, NY was the first to adopt films for instructional use

  • Audiovisual instruction movement

    These movements were throughout the 1920s and 1930s.
  • Marked Increase in the use of visual materials

    During the 1920s
  • Visual instruction changes to audiovisual instruction

    1920s to 1940s
  • The merging of 3 existing national professional organizations for visual instruction

  • Division of Visual Aids for War Training was established

  • In WWII more than 4 million showings of training films were sent to the US military

    These were sent from 1943 to 1945.
  • Psychologists started viewing training as a system and developed a number of innovative analysis, design, and evaluation procedures.

    late 1940s to 1950s
  • Federal Communication Commission set aside 242 TV channels for educational purposes

  • B.F. Skinner's article "The Science of Learning and the Art of Teaching" began a minor revolution in the field of education

  • The Soviet Union launched Sputnik so the US Government poured millions into imporving math and science education in the US

  • By 1960 there were more than 50 TV stations in the US

  • Leaders in field of education started discussing instructional technology as being a process

    1960s to 1970s
  • Robert Mager recognized the need to teach educators how to write objectives. He wrote "Preparing Objectives for Programmed Instruction"

  • In the 1970s Educational technology and instructional technology replaced audiovisual instruction

  • In the 1970s the number of instructional designs made greatly increased. By the end of the decade more than 40 models were identified

  • AECT adopted the longest definition of IDT with 16 statements on 7 pages along with 9 pages of tables

  • First statement to mention the analysis phase of the planning process

  • In the 1980s Instructional design started to have a minimal impact on other areas.

  • Computers were being used for instructional purposes in more than 40 percent of elementary schools and more than 75 percent of all secondary schools

  • AECT published the book "Instructional Technology: The Definitions and Domains of the Field

  • There was a great increase in the use of the internet to deliver instruction at a distance

  • The US Army spent 600 million dollars over six years to enable soldiers to take distance education courses via the internet

  • AECT produced another book with multiple key terms that were used heavily in the future

    example of key term: ethical