School age days 19 20

Historical events that shape modern day K-12 public education.

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    The Child Study Movement in the 1800s'.

    Every child is different and as educators’ part of the job is to be able to teach differently for each child to comprehend what is taught.
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    The Progressive Movement.

    Learning can be taught in many ways but hands on real experience can make a difference in a students life for the better. Learning with others can also be very beneficial for not everyone learns just by the book.
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    Head Start/Title I

    Children deserve education no matter what their parents economic status may be. They deserve the opportunity to be set up for success at a young age just like any other child. Head Start and Title I allows those who come from a low income family to get education such as social/cognitive development as well as extra reading and math help regardless of money there parents do or don't make.
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    Free and Appropriate Education.

    Children with disabilities should have equal opportunities to children without disabilities. Having specialized instruction to promote education for those with disabilities is a must. Children with disabilities may need extra help and attention in order to succeed and they deserve every part of that.
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    Career Academies.

    Learning the basic knowledge of education like writing, science and math is wonderful and needed but as students get older learning more specific education to what they might need in college and/or a career is so important. Most students who have this opportunity were proven to be more successful and wealthier than others who did not get this advantage.