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Historical events that happened in Realism

  • The glorious revolution

    The glorious revolution
    1.the glorius revolution dethrone the spanish Queen ll
    2.The military they led the rebelliom they wielded
  • The collapse of the first Republic in New Granada

    The collapse of the first Republic in New Granada
    .What was the collapse of the first republic of the new granada was in 1810 and 1816
    .It was the new political order where the complexity of these efforts appeared
  • The Civil War or American Civil War

    The Civil War or American Civil War
    .It was a warlike conflict that was fought in the united states from 1861 to 1865 It was a history controversy over slavery which broke out in abril 1861
    It was a warlike conflict that was fought in the united states from 1861 to 1865
    It was a history controversy over slavery which broke out in abril 1861
  • Triple alliance war

    Triple alliance war
    The triple Alliance consisted of Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina
    The was of the triple Alliance lasted 6 years
  • The war of the Pacific

    The war of the Pacific
    The pacific war pitted Peru and bolivia against chile
    .The pacific war lasted 4 years