Brown vs. Board of Education
Brown v. Board of Education The Supreme Court ruled that segration by race was unconstitutional paving the way for legistlation involving individuals with disabilities. -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
ESEA Signed into Law ESEA initiated the rold of the Federal Government in protecting and providing students with equal access to public education. Provided a grant program that encouraged states to create and imporve programs for students with disabilities. -
Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
PARC Ruling Court case that laid the foundation for the establishment of standards that each child must be offered an individual education and placed in a least restrictive environment. -
Mills v. Board of Education, District of Columbia
Mills v. Board of Education, District of Columbia Supreme Court case that helped lay the foundation for the Education for All Handicapped Children Act -
Vocational Rehabilitation Act
Vocational Rehabilitation Act Outlines critical definitions for individuals with disabilities and prohibits discrimination against students with diabilities in federally funded programs. -
Educational Amendments Act
Educational Amendments Act Federal grants are made available to support exceptional learners of all types. Due process rights are established for students and parents in special education. -
The Education for All Handicapped Children Act
Public Law 94-142 Public Law 94-142 was passed that required schools to ensure that all children, regardless of their disability receive a free and appropriate public education. Amendments and name change to IDEA Individuals With Disabilities Education Act in 1990. Additional amendments and further name change to IDEIA in 2004: Individuals With Disablilities Education Improvement Act. -
Education of the Handicapped Children Act
Education for All Handicapped Children Act All states are required allow free and appropriate education to all children with disabilities from ages 3 to 5. This law also established early intervention programs for infants and toddlers with disabilities from ages birth to 2 years. Early detection leads to early intervention and allows children to receive services earlier. -
No Child Left Behind
No Child Left Behind This act increases schools accountablility for all students of all populations. Offers school choice to ensure parents and students feel like they are getting the best education possible for their situation.