The First People Live in Space Station!
Following is a link to an article about this event.
http://spaceflightnow.com/ops/stage4a/001102dock/ -
Start of New Millenium!
The beginning of the 21st century! (It did not begin in 2000.)
This picture is of the millenium Beanie Baby. -
Quaoar is Discovered!
A dwarf planet named Quaoar was discovered in 2002. It has one small moon named Weywot, and is 4 billion miles from Earth. -
Dolly the Sheep Dies.
Dolly the sheep was cloned from from an adult cell. She was the first mammal to be cloned this way. She was put to sleep because she had lung disease. -
Spirit Lands on Mars!
A Mars rover called Spirit landed on Mars on this day. It took pictures of waht may be an ancient lake bed. If this is true, then it is possible that there was once been life on Mars! -
New Possible Planet Discovered!
On this day a "planet" larger than Pluto was discovered in the outer Solar System. It does not have an official name. Scientists disagree over whether or not it is actually a planet. Either way, it was an amazing discovery! -
Pluto is Declassified as a Planet!
On this day Pluto was officially declassified as a planet and became a dwarf planet. There are two reasons why it was decclassified. One is that it has an extremely irregular orbit. The other is that there are asteroids in the Solar System larger than it. -
The last Harry Potter Book is Published!
The last book in the Harry Potter series, called "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", is published. -
Barack Obama was Elected as the President of the United States!
Th is was very significant because Obama is the first African-American President. -
Burj Khalifa is Completed!
Burj Khalifa was completed on this day. It is the world's tallest building. -
Osama Bin Laden is Killed!
Osama Bin Laden was killed after being found in Pakistan. He wasresponsible for the terrorist attacks on 9/11. -
Transit of Venus!
A "Transit of Venus" happens when Venus is between the sun and the Earth. When it happens, you can see Venus against the sun. The next Transit of Venus will be on December 10/1, 2117!