800 BCE
The Polynesians (navigate)
They were the first to sail and colonize the islands of the south and west Pacific Ocean -
590 BCE
Phoenicians (trade)
They founded fishing settlements and trading ports. Also, circumnavigated Africa -
384 BCE
Aristotle (research)
Cataloged marine organisms -
300 BCE
Eratosthenes (navigate)
Calculated the Earth's circumference & invented latitude/ longitude system -
Vasco Nunez de Balboa (navigate, trade)
Crossed the Isthmus of Panama and found the Pacific Ocean -
Benjamin Franklin (recreation)
Invented and published the first chart showing an ocean current(recreation) -
Salt Walter (scientist research)
William Dittmar collected several samples of ocean water to determine its salinity. He discovered major salts in the ocean -
International Hydrographic Organization(navigate, research)
This organization ensures us of the worlds sea and if they are navigable water and safe -
Scuba Diving (recreation)
Jacques Cousteau and Emile Gagnan invented the scuba regulator and tank combination, the "aqualung". This gave people a way to breath underwater for a long periods of time -
The Alvin (navigate)
This Submersible was launched by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution to explore the deep ocean floors and gather samples