Hugo Gellert
This is the Birthdate of Hugo Gellert. -
Norman Rockwell
This is the Norman Rockwell's Birthdate. -
Francis Criss
This is the birthday of Francis Criss. -
World War II
World War II (WWII or WW2), also known as the Second World War, was a global war that was underway by 1939 and ended in 1945. -
Rosie the Riveter
The term Rosie the Riverter came from a song made in 1942. -
Winning the battle of production
Hugo Gellert created this screen print in 1943. This screen print was originally created to serve the cause of American victory, by creating propaganda posters and murals for USO halls among other projects. -
Day Shift
Day Shift is oil on canvas done by Francis Criss in 1943. This work was painted in 1943 during World War II. This is a painting that show the role of women during this time, and how they were transitioning during the war. -
USO Hall
Winning the battle of production was created to support USO. -
Rosie the Riveter
According to Crystal Bridges Museum Rosie the Riveter, Is an image of a American woman employed in the production of military hardware. This image represents the women role during World War II.