Period: 10,000 BCE to 4000 BCE
neolithic age
3000 BCE
egypt's early unification
Period: 2700 BCE to 2200 BCE
egypt - old kingdom
Period: 2040 BCE to 1640 BCE
egypt - middle kingdom
1750 BCE
hammurabi's death
Period: 1600 BCE to 1100 BCE
shang dynasty
Period: 1570 BCE to 1090 BCE
egypt - new kingdom
Period: 1312 BCE to 1337 BCE
mansa musa
Period: 1100 BCE to 221 BCE
zhou dynasty
1000 BCE
hebrew kingdom established
Period: 1000 BCE to 400 BCE
development of hinduism
920 BCE
hebrews split
Period: 800 BCE to 600 BCE
greek renaissance
Period: 551 BCE to 479 BCE
kung fu-tsu
500 BCE
classical greece
500 BCE
death of vardhamana mahavira
Period: 500 BCE to 100 BCE
republican and early imperial rome
490 BCE
battle of marathon
486 BCE
death of siddartha gautama
480 BCE
battle of thermopylae
Period: 461 BCE to 429 BCE
age of pericles
450 BCE
twelve tables recorded
Period: 431 BCE to 405 BCE
peloponnesian wars
399 BCE
death of socrates
Period: 269 BCE to 232 BCE
265 BCE
rome conquered italy
262 BCE
first punic war
Period: 246 BCE to 201 BCE
qin dynasty
Period: 218 BCE to 202 BCE
second punic war
208 BCE
death of li su
Period: 206 BCE to 220
han dynasty
Period: 149 BCE to 146 BCE
third punic war
Period: 141 BCE to 87 BCE
rule of han emperor wu
Period: 135 BCE to 132 BCE
first sicilian revolt
Period: 104 BCE to 103 BCE
second sicilian revolt
murder of pedanius secundus
Period: 62 to 115
pliny - rome's provincial governor
Period: 109 to 111
governor of bithynia-pontus
Period: 354 to 430
st. augustine
Period: 400 to 500
germanic conversion to christianity
Period: Jan 1, 604 to Jan 1, 618
rule of sui emperor yang
Period: Jan 1, 618 to Jan 1, 907
tang dynasty
Period: Jan 1, 630 to Jan 1, 700
di renjie (judge dee)
Jan 1, 632
death of muhammed
Period: Jan 1, 651 to Jan 1, 750
Period: Jan 1, 749 to Jan 1, 1258
Period: Jan 1, 960 to Jan 1, 1297
song dynasty
Jan 1, 1066
english sheriff responsible for king
Period: Jan 1, 1066 to Jan 1, 1170
english sheriff
Jan 1, 1160
oxford est.
Jan 1, 1170
king henry ii stripped sheriffs of power
Jan 1, 1194
sheriff > coroner
Jan 1, 1200
royal justices in eyre supervise
Jan 1, 1209
cambridge est.
Jan 1, 1215
pope innocent iii
Period: Jan 1, 1279 to Jan 1, 1368
yuan dynasty
Period: Jan 1, 1312 to Jan 1, 1337
rule of mansa musa
Period: Jan 1, 1368 to
ming dynasty