Hidden Figures - Timeline

  • American Civil War

    American Civil War
    The Civil War in the United States began in 1856 and ended in 1861. Tensions between United States of America (North) vs Confederate States of America (South), over slavery rights and western expansion. This took place in South Eastern United States.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The Great Depression lasted from 1929 to 1939. It began in The United States. It happened after the stock market crashed in October 1929. By 1933, 15 million Americans unemployed and nearly half the country's banks failed. Many people lost their jobs and were forced to do anything to get money to feed family and themselves.
  • World War 2

    World War 2
    The war started in 1939 and ended in 1945. It was a worldwide war of with all of Europe. Germany was trying to imperialize, Europe, America, China. Over 100 million people were involved with this war. It involved most of the countries in the world. It ended with a peace treaty in 1945 when japan surrender after the bombings and Germany surrender early when Hitler killed himself. They surrender to the Allies which were the good guys.
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    The Cold War was a state of geopolitical tension after World War 2. It was between the Soviet Union vs United States. The United States was fighting so the russians wouldn't take over the world. The cold war was never officially over until, Mikhail Gorbachev assumed the reins of power in the Soviet Union in 1985.
  • Civil Rights Movement

    Civil Rights Movement
    The civil rights movement was for blacks to gain equal rights under the law in the United States. The The Civil War had officially ended slavery, but it didn’t end discrimination against black rights. They, along with many whites, began and fight for equality.
  • Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat in the front of a public bus

    Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat in the front of a public bus
    By refusing to give up her seat to a white man on a Montgomery, Alabama, Rosa Parks helped initiate the civil rights movement in the United States. The leaders of the local black community organized a bus protest, that began the was convicted of violating the segregation laws.
  • Soviet Union launched Sputnik, and the dawn of the Space Age begins

    Soviet Union launched Sputnik, and the dawn of the Space Age begins
    history changed when the soviet union launched the first ever satellite. It was approximately the size of a beach ball. They launched the satellite because the scientists wanted to map the earth.
  • Launch of Project Mercury

    Launch of Project Mercury
    Project Mercury was the first space expedition in the US.They were trying to get a man safely into earths orbit and bring him back alive. It ran from 1958 - 1963, after this the US lunched their first astronaut into space.
  • Martin Luther King gives his famous “I Have a Dream Speech”

    Martin Luther King gives his famous “I Have a Dream Speech”
    This was a public speech by Martin Luther King for the racism to end in the US.The speech was ranked the top American speech. The speech was a great moment of the civil rights moment.
  • Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin become the first humans to land on the moon

    Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin become the first humans to land on the moon
    Apollo 8 all the way to the moon on the first manned flight of the massive Saturn V rocket. John F Kennedy wanted to send a man to the moon to be the first moon landing