Hidden Figures-Historical Timeline

  • American Civil War

    American Civil War
    Where: The war occurred in the United States.
    Who: It was a war between the United States of America (North) vs Confederate States of America (South).
    Why: It was a war over the issue of slavery.
    What: A war between the Northern and Southern United States.
  • Wright Brothers First Powered Flight

    Wright Brothers First Powered Flight
    Who: Wright Brothers were named Orville and Wilbur.
    What: They are credited for inventing, building, and flying the world's first successful airplane.
    Where: They did all of this in North Carolina.
    Why: They had an interest in flying since they were little because of a toy they owned.
  • World War 2

    World War 2
    Who: Germany, Italy, Japan, Britain, France, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India, the Soviet Union, China, and the United States of America where all involved in this war.
    What: It was a global war that included many countries.
    Where: As the name hints, it was a global war.
    Why: The main cause was Hitler invading Poland, two days later France and Britain declared a war on Germany beginning World War 2.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    Who: The Great depression affected families and everyone in the affected areas.
    What: Black Tuesday is what people called the first day of the Great Depression.
    Where: The Great depression affected germany, U.S.A, and Great Britain the most.
    Why: This all happened when the stock market crashed.
  • The Tuskegee Airmen

    The Tuskegee Airmen
    Who: They were the first African-American military pilot group.
    What: All of them were USA military flight pilots.
    Where: About 450 of them went overseas to fight and the rest fought in the United States.
    Why: The military were wary to let them fly planes but they couldn't stop them due to a pending lawsuit.
  • D-Day

    Who: France, Canadian, American, British forces were all involved.
    What: Canadian, American, and British forces all stormed France's Normandy region which eventually liberated all of France.
    Where: Five of France's beaches were stormed and liberated.
    Why: This was caused by trying to liberate the the North-West region of Nazi-occupied France in an expensive and lengthy campaign.
  • V-J Day

    V-J Day
    Who: Japan, America, and other parts surrounding Japan that are not part of the imperial army.
    What: Japan surrendered in World War ll affecting it drastically.
    Where: All areas included in this war were affected.
    Why: It is believed Japan surrendered because the imperial japan navy was incapable of conducting major operations and allied invasions.
  • Signing of document for Surrender

    Signing of document for Surrender
    Who: Imperial Japan was the main character in this date.
    What: This is the date of when Japan formally signed their surrender in World War ll.
    Where: They signed this on the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay.
    Why: Scholars have been fighting over many reasons of why they surrendered and which one is right, the main one they came up with the reason is because of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    Who: The Soviet Union and The United States of America were the main people involved.
    What: This was the state of global hostility after World War 2.
    Where: It was globally affecting especially in U.S.A, vietnam, Europe, Korea, Soviet Union, Cuba, Korea, Greece, East Asia, and South America.
    Why: It was caused by the ending of World War 2 and because of the shifting of international power.
  • Ham

    Who: America and Ham were the sole people included.
    What: America has sent the first chimpanzee into space and it had survived the trip.
    Where: This occurred in America's Space program.
    Why: They did this research project to test if a chimpanzee could go into space.