Jan 1, 1509
Catherine of Aragon
They married for 24 years.
They got married because they shared similar education and loved court entertainment.
When Catherine turned 40, Henry though she was old and boring so he divorced her. -
Jan 1, 1533
Anne Boleyn
Married for 3 years.
Because of Anne's striking looks and fashinable style, Henry married her.
In 1536, Anne was accused of having affairs with four other men and despite there being no proof, Henry beheaded her. -
Jan 1, 1536
Jane Seymour
Married for 1 year.
They married because jane was calm,gentle and caring. She also tried to be friends with Henry's daughters.
After giving birth to a baby boy, Jane died of infection a few days later. -
Jan 1, 1540
Anne of Cleves
Married for about 6 months.
Henry married Anne because it brought friendship between Emgland, Wales and a powerful European country.
Anne was serious and unfashinable. When Henry saw Anne for the first time he described her as a fat horse. So, Henry divorced her. -
Jul 1, 1540
Catherine Howard
Married for 2 years.
They married because Henry thought she was pretty, accomplished and good natured.
Henry found out that Catherine had flirted with lots of other men and that she had a couple of serious boyfriends before she met Henry. So, she also was beheaded. -
Jan 1, 1543
Catherine Parr
They married for 4 years.
Henry needed someone to help him have a heir because right now he had no sons.
Henry was very ill and Catherine nursed him but in 1547 Henry died.