Henry VIII Tudor's era

  • 1457

    Henry VII of England

    Henry VII of England
    Born the 28 of January Henry VII of England
  • 1485

    Defeats Richard III and Henry Vll crowned

    Defeats Richard III and Henry Vll crowned
    22 August: Henry Tudor defeats Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth.
    30 October: Henry Vll crowned at Westminster Abbey
  • 1486

    Henry Tudor marries and Arthur born

    Henry Tudor marries and Arthur born
    January: Henry VII marries Elizabeth of York, uniting the two houses and ending the Wars of the Roses.
    Born the September Arthur Tudor’s
  • 1487

    Henry VII defeats a pretender

    Henry VII defeats a pretender
    17 June: Henry VII defeats a pretender to his throne at the Battle of Stoke
  • 1491

    Henry VIII

    Henry VIII
    Born the 28 of June Henry VIII
  • 1497

    discovered North America

    discovered North America
    Ship John Cabot sailed from Bristol aboard the 'Matthew' and discovered North America
  • 1502

    Arthur dies

    Arthur dies
    2 April: Arthur, Prince of Wales dies, leaving his widow, Catherine of Aragon, With the heir to the throne now dead, the 11-year-old Henry, Duke of York, became first in line to the throne.
  • 1503

    James IV of Scotland marries Margaret

    James IV of Scotland marries Margaret
    8 August: James IV of Scotland marries Margaret, daughter of Henry VII of England. Although this meant peace between the two countries, the marriage also gives James IV's descendants a claim to the English throne.
  • 1509

    Henry VIII king

    Henry VIII king
    Henry VIII 21 April: Henry VII dies and is succeeded by his younger son Henry VIII
    Two months after he became king, he married his brother's Spanish widow, Catherine of Aragon.
  • 1521

    Defender of the Faith

    Defender of the Faith
    17 October: The pope grants Henry VIII the title 'Defender of the Faith'
    Pope Leo X conferred the title on Henry for his book 'Assertio Septem Sacramentorum' (Defence of the Seven Sacraments), which affirmed the supremacy of the pope.
  • 1521

    Henry VIII meets Francis I

    Henry VIII meets Francis I
    June: Henry VIII meets Francis I of France at the 'Field of the Cloth of Gold'
    The first meeting of Henry VIII and Francis I of France took place just outside the English-held town of Guines near Calais, France. In a fortnight of ceremonies and entertainments, the English and French kings attempted to outshine each other with extravagant clothes and jewels, lavish tents and spectacular feasts, jousts and games
  • 1528

    Henry VIII annul his marriage

    Henry VIII annul his marriage
    Henry VIII appeals to the pope to annul his marriage so that he could marry Ann Boleyn instead
  • 1533

    The divorce and marrige with Anne Boleyn

    The divorce and marrige with Anne Boleyn
    January: Henry VIII commands Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Cranmer to declare the marriage to Catherine of Aragon void on the grounds that the union was illegitimate because Catherine was his brother's widow.
    25 January: Henry VIII marries Anne Boleyn, following divorce from Catherine of Aragon
    September: Anne Boleyn gives birth to Elizabeth
  • 1534

    New religion

    New religion
    November: Act of Supremacy makes Henry head of the English church
    Henry VIII formed the 'Church of England separating England from the Roman Catholic Church.
  • 1536

    Execusion of Anne Boleyn and marrige of Jane Seymour

    Execusion of Anne Boleyn and marrige of Jane Seymour
    Act of Union joined England and Wales
    The Laws in Wales Acts of 1535 and 1542 attempted to regularise the relationship between the two nations, by introducing the English legal system in Wales. English became the official language of administration.
    Henry VIII's second wife Anne Boleyn is executed
    Eleven days after the execution of his second wife, Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII marries Jane Seymour.
  • 1537

    Edward born

    Edward born
    12 October: A male heir, Edward, is born to Henry VIII and Jane Seymour
    Henry was shattered by her death shortly after Edward's birth.
  • 1540

    Monastry Destruction

    Monastry Destruction
    MonastryDestruction or closure of 560 monasteries and religious houses
  • 1541

    King of Ireland

    Henry VIII changes his title from Lord of Ireland to King of Ireland
  • 1547

    Henry Dies

    Henry Dies
    28 January: Henry VIII dies and is succeeded by nine-year-old Edward VI
  • 1553

    first woman to be crowned

    first woman to be crowned
    6 July: Edward VI dies and is succeeded by Lady Jane Grey
    Four days after Edward died, Jane was proclaimed queen, but widespread popular support for Mary ensured her reign lasted only a matter of days.
    19 July: Mary I, daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon, becomes queen
    Mary was the first woman to be crowned monarch of England in her own right. A devout Catholic, she was determined to halt the growth of Protestantism initiated by her father, and return England to Roman Catholicism.
  • 1558

    Mary dies

     Mary dies
    Elizabeth I 17 November Mary dies and Elizabeth I accedes to the throne
  • The English defeats

    The English defeats the Spanish Armada at the Battle of Gravelines