May 1, 1530
William Tyndale's vernacular bible is burnt
Attack on heresy against Catholicism -
Dec 1, 1530
The whole of the clergy is accused of praemunire
This attacked the power of the Catholic Church to exercise power through ecclesiastical courts in England -
Feb 1, 1531
Clergy is pardoned of the praemunire charge
Henry was paid a fine of £119,000 in return for his pardon -
Feb 1, 1531
Convocation of Canterbury recognised Henry as Head of the Church 'so far as the law of Christ allows'
This marked how far the church was willing to go in allowing Henry more power -
First Act of Annates
This banned the payment of Annates to Rome. It also threatened that bishops could be consecrated be English authorities. Thus, the chief source of Papal revenue in England was removed and one of the Pope's main functions as the leader of the Church was challenged. -
Mar 1, 1532
Supplication of the Ordinaries
- Clergy were to enact no church law without royal permission -Existing Church law was to be examined by a royal commission
- Henry complained that the clergy only gave him 50% loyalty as they owed allegience to the Pope
May 16, 1532
Submission of the Clergy
The clergy accepted the King and not the Pope as their lawmaker- Thomas More resigned the following day -
Feb 1, 1533
Act in Restraint of Appeals to Rome
Based on the Collectanea Satis Copiosa - this began the work of transferring Papal powers to the King
-Henry was now supreme Head of the Church in England
-Rome had no power to rule over matrimonial cases - Cranmer declared Henry's marriage to Catherine as null and void
- Henry's marriage to Anne was declared valid -
Jan 1, 1534
Second Act of Annates
This confirmed the First Act of Annates
Bishops and Abbots were now to be appointed by the King and not the Pope -
Jan 1, 1534
Act to stop Peter's Pence
This abolished the payment of taxation to Rome -
Mar 1, 1534
Act for the Submission of the Clergy
Appeals in ecclesiastical matters were now to be handled by the King's Court of Chancery and not by the Archbishop's court -
Mar 1, 1534
First Act of Succession
This registered Henry's marriage to Catherine as invalid and replaced it with his marriage to Anne
The crown was now to pass to Henry and Anne's children
The nation was to take an oath upholding their marriage -
Apr 1, 1534
Execution of Elizabeth Barton 'Holy Maid of Kent'
Showed Henry's lack of toleration for religious diversity -
Nov 1, 1534
Act of Supremecy
Henry is justly and rightly the Supreme Head of the Church of England. He is given the right to carry out visitations of the monasteries. -
Dec 1, 1534
Treason Act
Listed key treasonable crimes such as calling the King or Queen a heretic and treason could now be defined as intent expressed in word as well in deed -
Dec 1, 1534
Act for First Fruits and Tenths
These clerical taxes would now go to the King and not the Pope -
Jan 1, 1535
Cromwell is made Vice-gerent in Spirituals
Evidence of a swing to reformist influence over Henry -
Jan 1, 1535
Valor Ecclesiasticus
Cromwell commissioned this survey into the wealth and condition of the Church -
May 1, 1535
Execution of Carthusian monks
From May 1935 and August 1540- about 18 Carthusian monks were executed for refusing to accept Henry as the Supreme Head of the Church -
Jun 22, 1535
Execution of Bishop Fisher
He was executed for treason, for refusing to take the Oath of Succession and accept Henry as the Supreme Head of the Church of England -
Jul 6, 1535
Sir Thomas More is executed
Even though he didn't speak out against Henry, he refused to take the Oath of Succession -
Feb 1, 1536
Act for the Dissolution of the Lesser Monasteries
Smaller monasteries (worth less than £200) were shut down -
May 19, 1536
Anne Boleyn is beheaded
Henry marries Jane Seymour the following day -
Jul 1, 1536
Act of Ten Articles
The Seven Sacraments of Catholic Doctrine were rejected - leaving a belief in only three - baptism, Eucharist and penance. A clear move towards Protestantism. -
Aug 1, 1536
Royal Injunctions to the Clergy issued by Cromwell
These ordered the clergy to defend the royal supremacy in sermons, abandon pilgrimages, give money for educational services to help children remember the Lord's Prayer, the 10 commandments and other scripture. -
Jul 1, 1537
The Institution of a Christian Man, also known as a Bishop's Book
The four lost sacraments were rediscovered - though stated to be of lesser value. There was other evidence of a drift towards Protestantism which included that there was no discussion of transubstantiation, Mass was glossed over and the special status of priests was understated. -
Aug 1, 1537
Thomas Matthew published the Matthew bible
This was a very Protestant version which had the King's permission -
Oct 1, 1538
Royal Injunctions to the Clergy were issued by Cromwell
The English bible was to be placed in all parish churches within 2 years, all births, marriages and deaths were to be recorded, people were to be discouraged from pilgrimages and relics were removed from churches -
Nov 1, 1538
Trial and execution of John Lambert for his rejection of transubstantiation
This was a clear symbol of Henry's commitment to Catholicism -
Dec 1, 1538
Henry is excommunicated by Pope Paul III
Apr 1, 1539
Publication of the Great Bible
Jun 1, 1539
Act for the Dissolution of the Greater Monasteries
All monasteries were closed and their land passed to the Crown -
Jun 1, 1539
Act of Six Articles
Marked a shift in doctrine. It confirmed transubstantiation, private mass, the hearing of confession by priests. It banned the marriage of priests, the marriage of anyone who had taken the vow of chastity, the taking of communion of any kind by lay people. -
Jan 1, 1540
Henry married Anne of Cleves
She was the sister of the Protestant Duke of Cleves -
Jun 1, 1540
Cromwell is arrested
Jul 28, 1540
Cromwell is executed
Jul 28, 1540
The Cleves marriage is annuled and Henry married Catherine Howard
Feb 13, 1542
Catherine Howard executed
Apr 1, 1543
Cranmer protected Henry against the Catholic faction
May 1, 1543
Act for the Advancement of True Religion
This restricted the English bible to upper-class men and noblewomen in private -
May 1, 1543
The Necessary Doctrine and Erudition of a Christian Man
This revised the Bishop's book- defending transubstantiation and the Six Articles. It encouraged preaching and attacked the use of images. It was written by Henry. -
Jul 1, 1543
Henry married Catherine Parr
May 1, 1544
English litany introduced to the Churches
Replaced the Catholic use of Latin litany, although Priests did not have to use it. -
Jul 1, 1544
Sir John Cheke appointed as tutor to Edward
Cheke was a Protestant humanist -
Nov 1, 1545
Chantries Act passed- though not enforced
This allowed for the dissolution of the Chantries -
Jul 1, 1546
Henry named heavily Protestant council of regency for his heir
This ensured a Protestant-influenced inheritance for Prince Edward -
Jul 1, 1547
Anne Askew burnt for denying transubstantiation
Evidence of Henry's commitment to Catholicism