Jun 28, 1491
Henry is born
Henry was born on the 28th of June 1491 at Greenwich Palace -
Period: Jun 28, 1491 to Jan 28, 1547
Henry's life
Nov 14, 1501
Henry's brother, Prince Arthur marries Catherine of Aragon
May 2, 1502
Henry's brother Prince Arthur dies
This makes Henry heir to the throne -
Jun 11, 1509
Marriage to Catherine of Aragon
They were married at Greenwich palace -
Jun 23, 1509
Henry is crowned
He was crowned at Westminster Abbey -
Jan 31, 1510
Catherine gives birth to an unnamed daughter
Feb 2, 1510
Henry's unnamed daughter dies
Jan 1, 1511
Catherine gives birth to the first Henry, Duke of Cornwall
Feb 22, 1511
The first Henry, Duke of Cornwall dies
Nov 1, 1513
An unnamed son is born
He died shortly after birth and the exact date is unknown -
Dec 1, 1514
The second Henry, Duke of Cornwall is born
The exact date is unknown and he died within a month of birth -
Feb 18, 1516
Queen Mary I is born
Nov 1, 1518
Another unnamed daughter is born
She died within a week of birth and the exact date is unknown -
Sep 1, 1527
Henry asked the Pope for a divorce from Catherine of Aragon
The Pope didn't let him -
Jan 25, 1533
Marries Anne Boleyn
Henry married Anne at Westminster Abbey -
May 23, 1533
Henry and Catherine were divorced
Jul 1, 1533
The Pope decides that Henry can no loger be a Catholic
He excommunicated him -
Sep 7, 1533
Queen Elizabeth I is born
Aug 31, 1534
The third Henry, Duke of Cornwall is born
He was born sometime between August and September, and died two minutes after birth -
Nov 1, 1534
Act of Supremacy
Henry puts himself in charge of all the monasteries in England -
Feb 1, 1536
Thomas Cromwell starts the dissolution of the monasteries
The smallest ones in England are closed -
May 19, 1536
Anne Boleyn is beheaded
May 30, 1536
Henry marries Jane Seymour
He married her at York Place -
Oct 1, 1536
The Pilgrimage of Grace
A rebellion starts against the dissolution of the monasteries led by
Robert Aske -
Oct 12, 1537
King Edward VI is born
Oct 24, 1537
Jane Seymour dies
Jan 6, 1540
Henry marries Anne of Cleves
He married her at Greenwich Palace -
Mar 1, 1540
End of the Dissolution of the monasteries
All monasteries in England have been closed -
Jul 9, 1540
Henry divorces Anne of Cleves
Jul 28, 1540
Henry marries Catherine Howard
They married at Oatlands Palace -
Jul 28, 1540
Thomas Cromwell is beheaded for high treason
Feb 13, 1542
Catherine Howard is beheaded
Jul 12, 1543
Henry marries Catherine Parr
They married at Hampton Court Palace -
Jan 28, 1547
Henry dies