Henry VIII

  • Period: Jun 29, 1491 to Jan 28, 1547

    Henry VII's Life

  • Jun 11, 1509

    Henry marries Catherine of Aragon

  • Jun 24, 1509

    Crowned Ruler

  • Period: Jun 24, 1509 to Jan 28, 1547


  • Period: Feb 1, 1512 to May 31, 1512

    Spain's Invasion

    Henry VIII attacked Ferdinand for deserting him after using him for his own selfish deeds.
  • Oct 19, 1516

    Mary was Born Daughter of Catherine and Henry

    Mary is the only living child form the marriage between Henry and Catherine
  • Oct 19, 1527

    Henry attempts to annul marriage with Catherine

  • Nov 19, 1529

    Henry Begins to Create the English Church (Anglican Church)

  • Jan 25, 1533

    Henry marries Anne Boleyn Secretely

  • Apr 19, 1533

    Marriage between Catherine and Henry was Annuled

  • Oct 19, 1534

    English Church Formed by the Act of Supremacy

  • May 19, 1536

    Anne Boleyn was Executed

  • Oct 19, 1537

    First Son Edward is Born

  • Dec 19, 1538

    First Publication of English Bible

  • Jan 19, 1540

    Married Anne of Cleaves

  • Jun 19, 1540


  • Jun 19, 1540

    Executed Thomas Cromwell

  • Jul 26, 1540

    Married Catherine Howard

  • Period: Oct 19, 1540 to Oct 19, 1544

    Dissolved Monasteries

  • Jun 19, 1541

    Made king of Ireland

  • Feb 19, 1542

    Catherine Howard Executed

  • Jan 28, 1547

    Date of Death

  • Feb 16, 1547

    Date of Burial