Jan 28, 1457
Henry VII
Henry VII was born January 28, 1457. Henry VIII was the son of a powerful Polish nobleman Edmund Tudor and Margaret of Beaufort, great granddaughter of Edward III. It gave him some questionable right to the English crown -
Period: Jan 28, 1457 to Apr 21, 1509
years of life Henry VII
years of life Henry VII -
Dec 29, 1483
Henry VII
In 1483, he was going to take part in the rebellion of Buckingham, but the army of the rebels fled prematurely, and the Buckingham was executed. Henry returned to Brittany, where he began to gather around dissatisfied despotic Richard III. -
Jan 2, 1485
Henry VII
In October 1485, Henry solemnly crowned in Westminster, and at the beginning of the next year married Elizabeth, daughter of Edward IV, thus restoring the unity of the royal dynasty. -
Aug 2, 1485
Henry VII
In August 1485, Henry landed in England with the two thousandth army. In the eve of the Battle of Bosworth in his stepfather he moved toward Lord Stanley. Richard's army was defeated, the king was killed, and his crown with a death's head to the battlefield wore Heinrich. -
Oct 5, 1485
Henry VII
In October 1485, Henry solemnly crowned in Westminster. -
Jan 18, 1486
Henry VII is married Elizabeth, daughter of Edward IV, thus restoring the unity of the royal dynasty. -
Jan 2, 1487
Henry VII
In 1487 he suppressed a rebellion by Lord Lowell, and to prosecute the rebels has created an extraordinary tribunal, the so-called "Star Chamber". -
Jan 2, 1499
Henry VII
n 1499, he executed the Earl of Warwick, the nephew of Edward IV, who had a much greater right to the throne, and therefore had spent all his life in the Tower. After that opponents at Henry no longer exists. -
Apr 21, 1509
Henry VII
April 21, 1509 Henry VII umerOstatok life he spent quietly and died on the 54th year of life, bequeathing the throne of his son Henry.