Mar 4, 1394
Price Henry was born
The prince Henry the navigator from Portugal was born in 1394 in the important city of Porto. His father was King John I of Portugal, founder of Aviz dinasty and was his third child. He was one of the most important Portugese and world explorer. -
Jan 1, 1419
Beginning of Henry the navigator
Henry was 25 years old and his father assigned him the province of Algarve and a few month later the young prince became the chief of the rich and powerful order of Christ. These two important posts will permit him to create expedition and new ship "the caravel" to find the source of the gold trade, stopping a pirate attack and find the kingdom of the Prester John. During this Year on of his expedition rediscover and colonize the Madeira island. -
Jan 1, 1427
Discovery and colonization of azora island
Jan 1, 1441
The creation of a colonial empire
Using the new ship type, the expeditions then pushed onwards. Nuno Tristão and Antão Gonçalves reached Cape Blanco in 1441. -
Jan 1, 1443
The first explorer to pass Cape Bojador
This one of the most famous Henry The Navigator expeditions. It is the first time that a European passed this cap that was considered impassable because everyone thought that monster was living there. This was the first step of the Africa and more late India exploration. -
Nov 13, 1460
The death of a courageous man
After is great life of exploration,discovery,and richess Henry th Navigator die in his country, the Portugal the 13 November 1460. H is now in the monaster of Battalia his last sleeping place. We can concluded that his life will ever influenced the life and the history of the Portugal and the rise of the humanity with is courage