CUE Conference
Provided opportunity for 5 teachers and 1 administrator to attend the CUE Conference and return to share out what they learned. -
Needs Assessment Completed
A needs assessment was conducted to determine the condition of the Chromebooks in the English department to establish a need for replacement, a survey of departments was sent out to determine which departments wanted Chromebooks and how they would be used and to determine what level of training was needed for implementation once the Chromebooks were received. -
SPSA Approved
School Site Council voted to approve SPSA to spend $30,000 and purchase 100 Chromebooks to deploy to departments without COW (Computers on Wheels) -
New Tech Know Teachers
This year HHS was approved for 3 new Tech Know Teachers, bringing our total count to 10. These teachers receive Smart Boards, class sets of Chromebooks and a cart, a tablets and extensive training in the implementation of technology. -
Chromebooks for Parent Check Out
Within our Parent Resource Center we have 100 Chromebooks available for parents to check out. 2 years ago when the center opened we started with 25 and have steadily been adding to this number. While we cannot provide parents with mobile hotspots, we provide them with a list of places they can access the internet for free near our school. -
Carryover $$ Received
HHS received an additional $90,000 in carryover from 2015-2016, based on April 2016 needs assessment it was determined that an additional 300 Chromebooks and carts should be purchased. -
School Site Council Approval
As this was new money not in our SPSA we requested and received approval from School Site Council to spend the $90,000 in carryover for the purchase of 300 Chromebooks and carts to be used in classrooms for instructional purposes. -
Purchase Request Completed
The request process was completed for the 300 Chromebooks and carts. -
Period: to
2016-2017 Professional Development
Begin providing professional development to teachers. Primary focus initially was within the English Department through critical conversations and a commitment to engage in 2 new strategies weekly. Professional Development occurs within all departments as they deploy technology through our PD coaches. As administrators conducted walk-throughs if engaging technolog -
Professional Development Opportunities
Begin providing professional development to teachers. Primary focus initially was within the English Department through critical conversations and a commitment to engage in 2 new strategies weekly. As administrators conducted walk-throughs if engaging technology strategies are being utilized they are highlighted during a staff meeting by the teacher for all staff to see. -
District Replacement
District office notifies us that they are going to replace all old desktops and request that we inventory and send locations of these devices. A complete list is sent. -
Parent Center Chromebooks Arrive
District office has surplus Title I from previous year and sent 30 Chromebooks. These devices will be deployed into the Parent Resource Center for parents to check out. -
Chromebooks arrive
The carts and Chromebooks arrive on campus. They are inventoried. After reviewing our replacement priorities, those needing replacement are replaced, the remaining are placed into carts for deployment and sent out into departments. -
District Computer Replacement
Anticipated arrival and deployment of district desktop replacements to arrive. -
SPSA Development
Review budget yet to be provided to determine if money can be allocated to support expansion of technology needs. -
Professional Development Survey
We will conduct a survey to determine the Instructional Technology needs of staff from use of to implementation so that we may appropriately plan our site based professional development program for 2017-2018. -
Analyze Survey
As an administration team we will analyze the results of the survey and plan our professional development program for 2017-2018 needs for staff in the area of Instructional Technology and develop a budget for this using supplemental funds. -
Period: to
Implement Professional Development Plan
We will work to implement the Professional Development Plan created and ensure there is an adequate budget to support the needs within the plan.