Helen Longino

  • Helen Longino Starting life

    Helen Longino was born on the 13th of July in the year of 1944. She was born In Jacksonville Florida
  • Helens Family and backstory

    Helens parents names were Helen I. Longino and James Charles Jr.
  • Helens Education

    Helen attended a couple of schools to include Barnard College in the year of 1966, she later went on to receive her Masters in arts at the university of Sussex.
  • Helens role in Philosophy of Science

    Helens main role in Philosophy of science includes her strong advocacy for the study of not only human behavior but also some of the biases that are present in science today. In a few of helens books she challenges the idea that most ideas made up by scientist or even people as a whole is bases on social backgrounds. She stood as an advocate for woman in science. Helen was a feminist and she helped people understand how different social backgrounds can affect ones way of thinking.
  • Helen Longino Perspectives and pluralities

    Helen Longino Perspectives and pluralities