Helen Longino Beginning
Born Helen Elizabeth Longino on July 13, 1944, Helen Longino received her BA from Bernard collage in 1966 her MA in philosophy from Sussex University in 1967 and her PhD from John Hopkins University in 1973 -
Helen Longino over feminist and social epistemologiest
Helen Longino is a active feminist who goes beyond the void to explain in a way as not to defiy any one, Longino explains that their is not a better way because it is female more over she explains that it is a new way of looking at things -
Helen Longino social science book
In her book Social science Longino argued for social values, as science for scientific knowledge. Longino argued that observations and data taken by scientist are not evidence for or against any one hypothosis, rather any data given for a hypothosis is based on human belief and assumptions by what data can support the hypothosis. -
Helen Longino awards and honors
Helen Longino received awards in 2002, 2014, 2016, and 2018 in 2002 she received the award Robert K. Melton Professional award for best book from the section for science Knowledge and technology in 2014 she received best book in feminist philosophy in 2016 she received elected to the American academy of arts and science and in 2018 she was elected to the American association to the advancements of science