HeLa cells sample are extracted
Dr. George Grey takes samples of HeLa cells from Henrietta's corpse after her death. -
HeLa Factory
First HeLa factory opens to grow trillions of HeLa cells a week. Main reason for the factory was to help stop polio. -
Period: to
HeLa Cells Timeline
First scientific advances
Scientists used HeLa cells to develop a method of freezing cells without changing them, advancing researching strategies. -
First Cloned Cells
Scientists were able to clone thousands of HeLa cells, the first cells to ever be cloned. -
HeLa in cosmetics
Cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies in the US and Europe begin using HeLa cells to test if new products and drugs caused cellular damage instead of laboratory animals. -
More Experiments from Dr. Gey
Dr. Gey uses HeLa cells to study hemorrhagic fever per the request of the US government. He also tests rats with the cells to see if they'd cause cancer. -
Cancer outbreak experiment
Dr. Southham injected patients with HeLa cells. Patients would then developed nodules in the area of where injected, in some patients it would spread else where. Southhams experiment increased the patients immunity to cancer (1954-56) -
HeLa cells in space
HeLa cells were sent to orbit in the second satellite ever to study the effects if space travel, nutritional needs of cells, and how cells respond to zero gravity -
First Animal Hybrid Cells
British scientists Henry Harris and John Watkins fused HeLa cells with mouse cells, making it possible to study what genes do and how they work -
HIV Vaccine
German virologist uncovered how Henrietta's cancer started and why her cells never died which was all due to HIV-18. The discovery had led to the HPV vaccine -
Christoph Lengauer developed fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), using HeLa cells, to uncover detailed information on a persons DNA by painting chromosomes