Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle

  • Heisenberg's Birth

    Werner Heisenberg was born in Würzbug, Germany. His father was a professor of Middle and Modern Greek languages
  • Heisenberg Appointed a Professor of Theoretical Physics

    At the very young age of 26, Heisenberg was appointed Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Leipzig. It was at this time that he would devise his uncertainty principle.
  • The Uncertainty Principle

    Heisenberg releases his uncertainty principle. He disagreed with the prevailing idea that electrons were in fixed orbit around an atomic nucleus. It was his belief that since one could not directly observe an electron one could not surmise an orbit actually exists. His principle accepted that there are observations that scientists simply cannot make directly and took that into account. However, scientists can observe the results of certain occurrences and surmise what happened.
  • Heisenberg's Death

    Werner Heisenberg passes away.
  • Uncertainty Principle Video

    An instructional video using a laser to show Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle. https://youtu.be/a8FTr2qMutA
  • Citations

    Werner Heisenberg – Biographical. NobelPrize.org. Nobel Media AB 2020. Sun. 26 Jul 2020. https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/physics/1932/heisenberg/biographical/ Tretkoff, Ernie. "This Month In Physics History". Aps.Org, 2008, https://www.aps.org/publications/apsnews/200802/physicshistory.cfm#:~:text=In%20February%201927%2C%20the%20young,-middle-class%20academic%20family. Busch, P, T Heinonen, and P Lahti. “Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle.” (2006): n. pag. Web.