My 20s
Healthy eating: At this age I will make sure to eat healthy foods that include all the minerals and vitamins I need to stay strong and fit. I will make sure to chew my food slowly and watch my weight.
Physical activity: I will exercise at least three times a week to keep myself in shape. I will do a variety of different physical activities and build strong bone struture.
Preventatitve ghalth care: I will take the oppurtunity to talk to my doctors and family about my family's medical history. -
Healthy eating: At this point I will start to limit my intake of processed foods and begin a mostly natural diet with many fruits and vegetables. This will help my slowing metabolism.
Physical activity: I will continue to exercise regularly and even join a new team to help meet new people. This will help prevent disease and osteoparosis.
Preventative health care:To help prevent skin cancer I will use sunscreen daily and avoid time in direct sunlight. I will also cut down on alcohol & relax more -
Healthy eating: At this time I will continue healthy eating and a good diet. This will help reduce my risk of heart disease and doabetese.
Physical activity:As my body starts to weaken, I will make sure to stay active in order to reduce stress and stay physically fit.
Preventative health care:This is the age when my body will begin deteriorating and I will make sure to see a doctor regularly to make sure that I remain healthy. I willmake sure my vison and hearing remain okay. -
My 50s
Heathy eating:At this point in my life I will start limiting fats and sodium from my diet and instead focus on whole grains. Thiss will give my body the nutrients it needs to stay healthy.
Physical activity:At this age I will start walking and even may join a walking group locally. I may also do swimming and biking to stay active.
Preventative health care:To prevent myself fro getting diseases, I will challenge my mind, read, and see a doctor regularly.This will help me to stay mentally healthy -
My 60s
Healthy eating:I will eat a wide variety of nonprocessed and sugar free foods to provide nutrients for my body. I will especially eat a lot of fiber and dairy.
Physical activity:I will exercise for at least 30 mins a day to stay active and keep my body moving. This will help me to stay in shape and maintain a good weight.
Preventative health care: To prevent diseases I will quit both smoking and excess drinking as well as be screened regualrly for diseases.