
Healthy Living

  • Healthy tips for 40 year old women

    Healthy tips for 40 year old women
    -Get a cholestorl test
    -Up your calcium
    -Boost your mood with exersize
  • Healthy tips for ages 4-6

    Healthy tips for ages 4-6
    -Making eating colorful
    -Do physical acitvites that make you happy
    -Start reading ever single day
    -Spend time with friends and stay positive
  • Healthy tips for a 16 year old

    Healthy tips for a 16 year old
    -Eating breakfast is important
    -Exersize regularly, even if it's for a small amount of time
    -Drink water first thing every morning to get your systems moving
    -Spend time away from the internet to go outside
  • Healthy tips for 40 year old men

    Healthy tips for 40 year old men
    -Take probotics
    -Warm up before work outs