Healthy lifestyle in your 20s
Limit fast foods and exercise regularly. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Avoid drinking, smoking and other illegal substances. Get enough sleep. See a doctor at least every 2 years, and the same for a gynecologist. -
Healthy lifestyle in your 30s
Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, proteins and grains, and avoid fast food. Exercise for 30-60 minutes most days of the week. Do not smoke, drink only in moderation if at all, and avoid illegal substances. Protect yourself from the sun, and reduce stress. Monitor your BMI, blood pressure, and cholesterol. -
Healthy lifestyle in your 40s
Continue to practice living a healthy lifestyle, but in addition, have regular check ups with your doctor every 2-3 years, with a dentist every 6 months and with an optometrist every 2 years. -
Healthy lifestyle in your 50s
Continue to eat healthy, and exercise, but also exercise your mind with learning and reading. Do not smoke or use tobacco products, and drink only in moderation if at all. Get enough sleep and reduce stress. Continue to see a doctor, dentist, and optometrist. -
Healthy lifestyle in your 60s
Continue to live a healthy lifestyle, but in addition, protect your heart, maintain and healthy weight, and see your health care provider regularly.