Focus for 20s: Lead Active Lifestyle
Focus for 20s: Eat Healthy
Period: to
Go to doctor every four months
Period: to
Visit doctor every five years for comprehensive health checkup
Period: to
Focus on leading an active lifestyle. Also, I am going to eat healthy and rarely eat fast foods.
Period: to
I am going to eat a healthy diet, not going smoke and drink alcohol only in moderation.
Period: to
I am never going to smoke or use illegal substances. I will drink alcohol only in moderation.
Focus for 30s: Visit doctor for comprehensive checkup every five years
Focus for 30s: Drink alcohol only in moderation, and never smoke
Focus for 30s: Get plenty of sleep
Period: to
Maintain a healthy weight and get at least 6 hours of exercise per week.
Period: to
I am always going to wear sunscreen when I am exposed to the sun. I will get plenty of sleep and I will reduce my stress by walking outside, playing with my kids, and doing things I enjoy.
Focus for 40s: Use Preventive Health Care
Focus for 40s: I am going to stay active by swimming
Period: to
I am going to help myself manage stress by staying active.
Period: to
I am going to make sure I monitor my health conditions and use preventative health care
Focus for 50s: Relieve Stress by getting exercise by swimming or jogging
Focus for 50s: I am going to get enough sleep to help relieve stress and be energized
Period: to
I am going to eat healthy and stay active by swimming and jogging.
Period: to
I am going to get enough sleep and drink alcohol only in moderation.
Focus for 60s: Monitor Heath Conditions
Focus for 60s: Stay Healthy by being active
Period: to
I am going to monitor my health conditions and use preventative health care
Period: to
I am going to eat healthy and stay active
Period: to
I am going to maintain a healthy weight by exercising and eating healthy