Health Project

  • Born

    She was born.
  • Puberty Begins

    Puberty Begins
    Two mental and emotional changes are for mental anticipate the consequences of a particular action and thinking logically, for emotional health they realized the meaning and personal values.
  • Homesick with flu

    Homesick with flu
    Three things you can treat the flu with is proper nutrition, rest, and lots of fluids.Three things I will do to try and prevent the flu is get flu vaccination shots, wash your hands regulary, and advoid touching eyes, mouths, and nose.
  • Affected Physical Health

    I faced with physical health. It can be overcome by get ten hours of sleep each night, eat nutrition meals and drink eight cups of water each day.
  • Getting more excersise

    She will achive it by engage in 30-60 minutes of physical activity each day.
  • Too much work to do

    Too much work to do
    It physically affect it by can get really irritated and mad easily. Healthy coping meath that was used is acknowledging and understanding.
  • Significant Loss

    My character feels really sad and got depression but then she started to accept it.
  • Family history of health diseases

    She realized that she needed to eat healthier food like she could like brocoli for strenthen bones and teeth, she also could eat meat and beans to help her immune system, drink a lot of water, and don't eat a lot of trans fat because it can cause to raise your blood cholestrol level and increase risk of heart disease.
  • Bestfriends starts drinking

    Bestfriends starts drinking
    Four negative I am concern about are addiction, heart damage, binge drinking, and alcohol poisoning.
  • Makes a pledge to stay abstinent

    Three tips your parents give to you on being abstinent is advoid dating someone who is sexually active, advoid people who make fun of your decision or urge high-risk behaviors, and use words and body languages to resist the pressure to engage in sexual activity.
  • Takes keys away from bestfriend

    I would tell my friend that they would get put in jail if they get caught and pay a huge fine and also they could get into a car accident.
  • Family relative that starts smoking again

    Family relative that starts smoking again
    Three long term effects of tobacco are lung cancer, a weakened immune system, and chronic bronchitis