
Health Insurance

  • Introducing Health Insurance

    Introducing Health Insurance
    Teddy Roosevelt and his
    Progressive party endorse
    social insurance as part of
    their platform, including health
  • Committee on the Costs

    Committee on the Costs
    of Medical Care forms to
    study the economic
    organization of medical
    care. Group is comprised
    of economists,
    physicians, public health
    specialists, and other
    major interest groups. Recommendations were
    completed by 1932. While some members would not
    support the recommendation for medical group
    practice, the majority did endorse the idea, along
    with voluntary health insurance.
  • Baylor Hospital

    Baylor Hospital
    Baylor Hospital introduces
    a pre-paid hospital
    insurance plan for a
    group of school teachers,
    which is considered the
    forerunner of future
    nonprofit Blue Cross
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    passed by Congress. The
    Act includes grants for
    Maternal and Child
    Health. These grants
    restored many of the
    programs established
    under the SheppardTowner
    Act and extended the role of the Children’s
    Bureau to include not only maternal and child health
    services, but other child welfare services as well.
  • Technical Committee

    Technical Committee on Medical Care established
    under Interdepartmental Committee to Coordinate
    Health and Welfare Activities; publishes its report, A
    National Health Program in 1938.
  • Department of Health and Human Services

    Department of Health and Human Services born as
    the Federal Security Agency bringing together federal
    agencies concerned with health, welfare, and social
  • National Health Bill

    Sen. Wagner introduces National Health Bill
    incorporating recommendations from the National
    Health Conference. Proposal dies in committee
  • Federal Employees Health Benefit Plan

    Federal Employees Health Benefit Plan
    Federal Employees Health Benefit Plan (FEHBP)
    initiated to provide health insurance coverage to
    federal workers.
  • Medicaid Program

    Medicaid Program
    Kerr-Mills Act passes, using federal funds to support
    state programs providing medical care to the poor
    and elderly; a precursor to the Medicaid program.

    Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
    (HIPAA) restricts use of pre-existing conditions in
    health insurance coverage determinations, sets
    standards for medical records privacy, and
    establishes tax-favored treatment of long-term care
  • President Obama

    President Obama signs the Health Care and
    Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (becoming P.L.
    111-152) at the Northern Virginia Community
    College amending P.L. 111-148.