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Health Timeline

  • Note: 20s

    Note: 20s
    Find Primary Care Provider.
  • Period: to

    Age: 20s

    Have a medical check-up, gynecological exam, clinical breast exam, and Pap test every 2 years. Get regular comprehensive eye exams. Have recommended immunizations. Take action to reduce stress as much as possible
    Exercise regularly, continue healthy eating habits
  • Note: 30s

    Note: 30s
    Begin wearing sunscreen daily, with at least 15 SPF. Start using a daily moisturizer and gentle cleanser twice a day
  • Period: to

    Age: 30s

    Have dental exam + cleaning every 6-12 months, eye exam every year. Continue having regular gynecological exams, clinic breast exams and Pap tests.
    Maintain a healthy weight, noting any slow in metabolism, reducing the amount of salt in the diet. Exercise regularly.
  • Note: 40s

    Note: 40s
    Do more weight-bearing exercise, along with strength training, to help prevent osteoporosis.
  • Period: to

    Age: 40s

    Take steps to reduce risk of overuse that may cause conditions such as arthritis and back pains. Every 2 years have physical exam, eye exam, blood pressure screening, baseline skin exam. Annual clinical breast exams and mammogram, and Pap tests and bone density tests.
    Continue with healthy habits, including diet and exercise.
  • Note: 50s

    Note: 50s
    Menopause is most likely to occur in this decade. This may cause hot flashes, weight gain, sexual dysfunction. An increased risk for heart disease and bone loss may occur as well.
  • Period: to

    Age: 50s

    Every 2 years have physical exam, eye exam. Cholesterol screening every 5 years. Dental exam every 6 months, and blood pressure screening every year. Continue with breast exams/mammograms/Pap tests, also including HPV tests, bone density tests, and pelvic exams.
    Continue healthy habits of previous years, including diet and exercise.
  • Note: 60s

    Note: 60s
    Increased risk for heart attacks, paying more attention to data that affects that, including: blood pressure, total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, triglycerides, fasting blood glucose, BMI, and waist circumference.
  • Period: to

    Age: 60s

    Annual flu vaccine, blood pressure screening, breast exam and mammogram, eye exam, pelvic exam, skin exam. Pap test every 3 years. Have tetanus shot, shingles vaccine, bone density test.
    Continue with healthy habits, such as diet and exercise.