steam engine
makes coal production increase and factories grow -
spinning jenny
spins more than one ball of yarn at a time -
jesuits expelled from hati
stlaves were left to live with their own resources and no religious teachings -
racial distiction increased after the 1760's
USA is born
birth of the united states of america as a independent nation. -
Period: to
jose de san martin
jose de san martin and his conquests in sourth america -
simon bolivar was born
hati is the richest colony in the americas
because of its large amount of plantations and slaves -
5 intrest groups in hati
slave owners
petite blanks
free africans
run away slaves -
french revolution (storming of bastille)
started the french revolution -
Period: to
simon bolivar
kicked out spaniards from south america. created many nations. -
declaration of rights of men
introduced human rights -
Period: to
Hatian revolution
most succesfull revolution -
hatian revolution began
revolts officially start sain domingue was on fire
revolution spreads becoming more organised
hati -
free blacks and mulattoes become equal
10000 slaves now in open revolt
start of reighn of terror
cotton jin
separates cotton fiber from seeds -
end of reighn of terror
bolivar goes to spain and continues his sutudies
napoleon takes over
L’Ouverture helped create a constitution
L’Ouverture discussed the treaty of lecrec suposedly ending the conflict
Bolivar married María Teresa Rodríguez del Toro
bolivar's wife died of yellow fever
L’Ouverture died in Fort de Joux prison after being double crossed
hati became independent
one of the most successful revolutions -
blivar returns to venezuela after finishing his studies in europe
colombia independene
chile independence
began to take control from spain in venezuela
named dictator of peru
simon bolivar is named dictator of peru -
bolivia independence
bolivar dies
a new and faster way of communication -
made to mine coal, later used as a weapon